Thank you all for the discussion, but I am not saying FED rate will hike
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-07-30 14:45

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I'm referring to the sub prime mortgage rate itself, pls correct me if my understanding is wrong.

I think most sub prime mortage borrowers take a floating package, which probably charge a lower interest rate initially (ard 4%) with annual adjustment upward to 10%+ eventually because of his bad credit history.

If the US housing market is booming, he might be able to restructure his mortage and take advantage of the appreciating asset price. But now, he could not do that; and the floating rate is keep hiking, with every hike the borrower needs to pay more interest. He may not be able to afford it and cannot sell the property and cannot refinance, that's why the default rate will go up.

Now, I think the fixed income market was hit badly, ... lower tranche of CDOs backed by sub prime mortgage become worthless, and two hedge funds have collapsed already, more are in trouble. Sub prime mortgage problem will definitely become bigger, but don't know how bad the problem will become.

Like speculatist and other people have mentioned, one problem is with the tightening of credit terms, companies are more and more difficult to raise funds. But still, I personally don't think it will shake the foundatoin of economy...

please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

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有人能谈一下sub prime mortgage meltdown的影响么? 大象   (624 bytes , 1657reads )
不会Meltdown,所以也就谈不上什么影响了! xiaohu   (0 bytes , 244reads )
why no meltdown? 大象   (73 bytes , 435reads )
Fed本月是不会加息的,次级贷款这个借口空方用了两年了。 xiaohu   (412 bytes , 341reads )
Thank you all for the discussion, but I am not saying FED rate will hike 大象   (1280 bytes , 341reads )
抛开大盘到哪里止跌不说,关于次级房贷,却不只是次级房贷的问题 speculatist   (528 bytes , 347reads )
记得刚看了美国一个公司的并购案(记不清名字,好像是20B),最后十家银行自己买单. forpc   (0 bytes , 386reads )
就是克莱斯勒 speculatist   (0 bytes , 232reads )
forpc   (0 bytes , 226reads )
个人比较认同你的观点。我也认为利率不会再调高,多久难说。 banban   (750 bytes , 313reads )
有的机构很聪明,提前就从subprime market逃掉了,比如capital tower里的那家 ropin   (0 bytes , 279reads )
据我十几年的经验,像这种刚跌一点就造成极大轰动的通常跌不远!像中国股市 昌昊   (24 bytes , 528reads )
哦。两次不是很相同。但是可以借鉴上次的走法倒是真的。 speculatist   (0 bytes , 321reads )
同意, 象现在这样下方承接盘如此之弱的情况下, 主力根本没办法撤退 花豹   (1181 bytes , 632reads )
市场并不是单一的主力和散户之间的对杀,更多是主力和主力之间对杀! xiaohu   (0 bytes , 225reads )
不太苟同!! 股天乐   (425 bytes , 434reads )
通胀的种类有多种, 必须对症下药 花豹   (134 bytes , 381reads )
新加坡政府是通过调节汇率来调控通胀的。。。 大象   (0 bytes , 316reads )
btw, for your infor, MAS controls SG inflation using Sin Dollar exchange rate... speculatist   (0 bytes , 426reads )
小国这么做有道理。 衣食住行都靠进口。汇率是最直接的方法;但是, banban   (189 bytes , 401reads )
banban越来越高了 我也想炒股   (50 bytes , 373reads )
wang 某? 丑角   (0 bytes , 243reads )
哇。我买电话卡那遥远的历史你都知道?。。。 banban   (0 bytes , 223reads )
我也知道,哈哈,我也买过你的,好人 飞儿   (0 bytes , 220reads )
在PGP的时候去你房间买过一次电话卡 我也想炒股   (72 bytes , 275reads )
现在CS已是我尘封的记忆了。所以无所谓了:其实,我的CS这得很滥。不信问过儿。 banban   (0 bytes , 327reads )
not interest speculatist   (0 bytes , 230reads )
你觉得有本质区别吗? 股天乐   (0 bytes , 213reads )
yes speculatist   (0 bytes , 208reads )
No!! 股天乐   (80 bytes , 319reads )
白痴帖少一点好不好,求你了 我也想炒股   (0 bytes , 213reads )
sighs.. ok, i am wrong. you are right. inflation nothing to do with MAS... well. speculatist   (0 bytes , 392reads )
对。 各银行的利率基本上是钱的供需而定;不过不可调太过分,MAS会风险管理。 banban   (0 bytes , 232reads )
你提到的物价上涨,你又说银行会加息 speculatist   (407 bytes , 370reads )
Wrong again! 股天乐   (266 bytes , 319reads )
空头要求也不高,就希望下探一次3100就都好了, 大家一起再高高兴兴奔4100。 涨挺板   (0 bytes , 252reads )
上次去年5月和今年2月的大跌的时候,很多个股都跌的远远超过大盘的跌幅 丑角   (110 bytes , 453reads )
新加坡式的跌法 涨挺板   (260 bytes , 474reads )
the views i heard these days ropin   (661 bytes , 750reads )
专业分析,一定要顶 左脚   (0 bytes , 224reads )
专业分析,一定要顶 左脚   (0 bytes , 229reads )
same as what AXL said... ropin   (0 bytes , 230reads )
想起了-----乔治·索罗斯 涨挺板   (1422 bytes , 621reads )
中小庄家为了利益,逆势操作,可能性,可行性,有没有。 司马长风   (114 bytes , 417reads )
佩服自己,不过我还是早出了,宁肯不赚也别亏 司马长风   (0 bytes , 269reads )
Ding, 与俺心有戚戚焉。 涨挺板   (0 bytes , 238reads )
对MBS应该影响不大吧。 private-banker   (118 bytes , 325reads )
因为现在的asset price很多是被liquidity支持起来的 AXL   (453 bytes , 476reads )