URA Releases Flash Q2 2007 Private Residential Property Price Index
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-07-03 14:45

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URA Releases Flash Q2 2007 Private Residential Property Price Index

1 The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) released today the flash estimate of the price index of private residential property for 2nd Quarter 2007.

2 Based on the estimated price index of private residential property, prices rose from 136.5 points in the 1st Quarter 2007 to 147.3 points in the 2nd Quarter 2007. This represents an increase of 7.9%, compared with the 4.8% increase in the previous quarter (see Annex A).

3 URA also released today the flash estimates of the price changes in the 3 geographical regions for 2nd Quarter 2007. Prices of non-landed private residential properties increased by 7.6% in Core Central Region, 7.9% in Rest of Central Region and 6.5% in Outside Central Region in the quarter (see Annex B).

4 The flash estimates are compiled based on transaction prices given in caveats lodged during the first ten weeks of the quarter supplemented by information on the number of new units sold. The statistics will be updated 4 weeks later when URA releases the full 2nd Quarter 2007 real estate statistics, when more data on the caveats lodged and the take-up of new projects are captured. Past data have shown that the difference between the quarterly price changes indicated by the flash estimate and the actual price changes could be significant when the change is small. The public is advised to interpret the flash estimates with caution.

5 The increase in private housing prices in recent quarters is in line with greater economic growth and rising confidence. Private housing prices are now increasing at a faster pace because of good economic prospects going forward and the increasing attractiveness of Singapore as a global city.

6 The Government will continue to monitor the market very closely. The Government will ensure that there will be sufficient supply of residential space to meet demand. The GLS Programme for the 2nd half of 2007, which was just announced recently, comprises 20 residential sites and 5 other commercial & residential and white sites which have a potential supply of about 8,000 units of private housing and executive condominium (EC) housing. The Government has also re-introduced an Executive Condominium site to give an additional housing option to Singaporeans. If necessary, the Government will make available even more sites for private residential development through the GLS Programme next year.

7 In addition to new GLS sites for development, there are about 42,200 new units of private housing that will be completed from 2H2007 to 2010. About 22,700 of these units have not been sold by developers yet. Prospective home-buyers should take into consideration the sufficient pipeline supply of private housing, as well as the potential supply from GLS sites, when deciding to make a property purchase.

Annex A:

Annex B:


This is eht gnidnE

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我回复你了,不好意思,我不是专业人士无法给专业意见。你找昌昊问比较好些。。。 芳林   (104 bytes , 272reads )
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请问芳林和昌昊,关于enblock的。 endoderm   (34 bytes , 279reads )
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哈哈,是周五 南海观世音菩萨   (0 bytes , 258reads )
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我只能说 南海观世音菩萨   (12 bytes , 295reads )
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明白。。。不用说得这么明显的。。。芳姐也是一番好意。。。 念奴娇   (37 bytes , 280reads )
没事啦!日前见过一群网上爱掐架的高人们,在我家吃喝时都是谦谦君子啦! 芳林   (76 bytes , 261reads )
URA Releases Flash Q2 2007 Private Residential Property Price Index 临江仙   (3067 bytes , 302reads )
牛图顶一下! forpc   (0 bytes , 181reads )
这个走势还真是个牛图,慢牛快牛都在跑动了!我看这个图还真没法看出个熊样来。。。 芳林   (163 bytes , 210reads )
可是。从1Q96到1Q99之用3年时间。然后8年来解套(还没解套。。。) speculatist   (0 bytes , 309reads )
在这个版混的人恐怕都赚不到这笔大钱,多数人还都觉得买TOTO不如买股票呢! forpc   (0 bytes , 206reads )
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芳林老姐,只怕现在带上支票本去找屋主,人家都未必肯卖。 JSMEDP   (154 bytes , 321reads )
一年前你亮出支票相信许多屋主都会卖给你的,只怕那时你想不到要买房啦。。。。 芳林   (201 bytes , 312reads )
不瞒您说,我去年六月就打算买公寓,但是问过银行之后,算了算不够付首期,差太多。 banban   (263 bytes , 350reads )
赚了钱别忘了请我大吃一顿啊... 北京时间   (43 bytes , 392reads )
大吃一惊。。。。 巴伐利雅   (315 bytes , 408reads )
这样不好吧 注意熊出没!   (0 bytes , 223reads )
哟你可真不幽默啦 讲笑话吗也没说是谁吃的 巴伐利雅   (0 bytes , 199reads )
在这个版混的人恐怕都赚不到这笔大钱,多数人还都觉得买房投资不如买股票呢! 芳林   (556 bytes , 403reads )
顶芳林大姐 Novice   (20 bytes , 296reads )
说地多有道理呀,支持一下, 芳姐姐 不穿衣的小天使   (0 bytes , 178reads )