more than 31,000 completed private homes will hit the market between 2009and2010
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-06-15 07:53

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- Fifteen new sites have been put up for sale under the government's programme to offer land for development, in response to a robust economy and the red-hot property market.

- A flood of more than 31,000 completed private homes will hit the market between 2009 and 2010 - more than six times the number expected to be completed this year.


- The Singapore government on Thursday announced its biggest ever land sales programme in what is seen as a clear signal that it is serious about containing the rise in property prices and rents which could cripple Singapore's competitiveness.


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芳林姐,您说去年是本地房产十年大底,今年应该是个进场的好机会呀。 JSMEDP   (178 bytes , 768reads )
上次高峰是96年,谷底98年底 tonys   (50 bytes , 279reads )
今年最近三个月的火热房市状况比91年起涨的那时还凶,估计再涨二三年起码 芳林   (402 bytes , 320reads )
也就是说,上次退烧就只花了两年? 树冷   (0 bytes , 185reads )
退烧后就在床上躺了好多年,最近几年才下地行走 forpc   (0 bytes , 209reads )
Cool ! bizlogic   (0 bytes , 186reads )
很形象地比喻。:) 念奴娇   (0 bytes , 213reads )
为了让市场更清楚得知未来几年的房地产可能的供应量,市区重建局昨日首次提供到2010 forpc   (2497 bytes , 337reads )
今年下半年售地计划要点 forpc   (438 bytes , 292reads )
别忘了去年被整体重建而拆迁了7600多间旧宅的人也是立马要找屋搬家呢! 芳林   (339 bytes , 294reads )
7600间旧宅会变成几倍的新宅,房市同股市一样有风险,自己入市就好,想想 forpc   (188 bytes , 320reads )
花旗预测新加坡人口在2010年可达500万,按每年建三万套到2009年还缺1万6797套房 芳林   (2489 bytes , 466reads )
可是现在新加坡坡居住人口就已经490万拉 kellyapple   (454 bytes , 440reads )
more than 31,000 completed private homes will hit the market between 2009and2010 forpc   (632 bytes , 292reads )
可是今年的上半年房地产涨幅太猛了,尤其是最近这三个月里面 芳林   (86 bytes , 336reads )
自住的我觉得什么时候买都可以, 只要保持负债与资产持平就ok inge   (79 bytes , 275reads )
我则比较喜欢在没什么人买的时候进场,那时可以挑到自住和投资都适宜的屋子 芳林   (399 bytes , 221reads )