the Offeror in fact at the time of annoucement, already have
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-06-14 09:55

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
about 50% of the whole share structure .

Kimtrans Singapore Pte Ltd sold (or agree to sell) to them at S$0.7 about
22.17% of the total shares

Tan Choon Hock (Tan Chin Hock??) sold or agree to sell 8.96% at S$0.7 about the total shares.

After Toll take over all the shares, sure, Semb Kim will be taken down, because the SGX rule requires at lease xxx percentage are held in open market. (23% ?) cannot remember.

Big share holders sell their shares at such a discount,

I see it a piece of shit thing.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
可能很多人要失望了:Voluntary Conditional Cash Offer for Sembawang Kimtrans forpc   (274 bytes , 1463reads )
请问是什么意思:是否只在0.7收购?谢谢~ SpaceSurfer   (0 bytes , 285reads )
如果在规定日期前收购少过90%,就是0.7;达到或者超过90%,就是0.8。 xiaohu   (168 bytes , 362reads )
这次算是失败。 speculatist   (818 bytes , 386reads )
这算不算是有人在操纵股市? SSteven   (39 bytes , 355reads )
不算 speculatist   (0 bytes , 203reads )
Tan Chin Hock, Tan Choon Hock是两个人。 xiaohu   (464 bytes , 726reads )
感谢纠正。 speculatist   (0 bytes , 191reads )
从这几个帖子,也是学到很多. 树冷   (93 bytes , 355reads )
以前ACCS出事的那个老板好像也叫神马Victor Tan。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 284reads )
对啊。简直是shit. speculatist   (0 bytes , 235reads )
昨天打完球回家,看见这文件没吐血。。。 xiaohu   (163 bytes , 327reads )
什么意思? 我是新手, 看不懂, 谁能帮助解释一下 花豹   (70 bytes , 337reads )
the Offeror in fact at the time of annoucement, already have speculatist   (511 bytes , 357reads )
SGX rule requires at lease 20% are held in open market 新股新人   (17 bytes , 249reads )
sorry, should be 10% 新股新人   (887 bytes , 215reads )
thanks for correction speculatist   (0 bytes , 238reads )
CAO 才 14%在open market 吧。 花心大哥   (0 bytes , 245reads )
Thanks for reply. Then I shall sell out imediately. But why people are bid 花豹   (67 bytes , 309reads )
why they are buying there? speculatist   (292 bytes , 260reads )
what about institutions? they cannot sell at once, the price will drop sharply. 新股新人   (0 bytes , 188reads )
你想看看这个公司吗。 micropp   (60 bytes , 282reads )
现股价已是0.76,只开出0.7/0.8(90%)的offer,太..... forpc   (0 bytes , 254reads )
0.7和0.8是啥意思? 不能比我买的低啊! forumstart   (0 bytes , 204reads )
同问,没大看明白是什么意思 superqq   (20 bytes , 233reads )
what a joke. 牛魔王   (131 bytes , 340reads )
别担心,这种事情不是由我们决定的,事实既已如此,还是让我们把目光投入到别的地方吧 halley   (0 bytes , 269reads )