所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-06-14 09:35

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According to most recent data, American economy remains stable. Initially, Wall Street expects Fed to lower interest rate in order to boost flagging GDP growth shown in previous quater. However, the newest figures indicate that the impact of the housing market slump is limited, as consumer expediture and confidence index are both healthy. Capital investment is increasing, while company inventory sees a decrease in recent month. The forementioned factors lead to recent Fed chairman's remark on inflation concerns, which trigered a fall in DJ (though DJ remains strong afterward and reached historic high). Afterall, the core CPI of last month is 2.3%, a tad higher than Fed's confort zone of 1.5-2%. Now an increase of interest rate later this year is widely expected, supported by increase in yield of treasury bond.

Of course, increase in US interest rate may not lead to a stronger greenback, as EU and China are also facing incremental inflation presure.

On the other hand, the loosening control over RMB by China Government is not a bad thing. A floating exchange rate is more capable of curbing inflation, especially for China which has large trade surplus.

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狼来了 xiaoqiuqiu   (2532 bytes , 1028reads )
看到一篇好文给大家分享。 xiaoqiuqiu   (2934 bytes , 340reads )
感谢分享, 但是控制顺差, 征收出口关税 花豹   (312 bytes , 288reads )
此言差矣 氢氧化钠   (1172 bytes , 339reads )
不明就里,不过还是要顶. 树冷   (55 bytes , 265reads )
我也一直在思考避风港的问题, 除了黄金, 还有什么比较好? 花豹   (201 bytes , 369reads )
cash in hand, prepare for next surge to invest halley   (523 bytes , 279reads )
和我的想法不谋而合, 我也觉得流通性最好的就是证券和货币 花豹   (163 bytes , 264reads )
一门通,可以横行天下了。有多少人可以通一门? xiaoqiuqiu   (264 bytes , 295reads )
关于alternative investment。 xiaoqiuqiu   (819 bytes , 275reads )
如何通过实物投资防范股市风险 (ZT) bigapple   (2833 bytes , 262reads )
我对人民币和欧元看好。也是时候留意bond了。 banban   (0 bytes , 202reads )
收藏品。黄金。红酒。我在考虑的 speculatist   (0 bytes , 199reads )
黄金15年图.黄金30年生命.......... 大风   (69 bytes , 369reads )
其实,黄金的价格已经涨太多了,不知能否维持价格,但怎样都好过地产。 banban   (30 bytes , 242reads )
金价其实不贵。 xiaoqiuqiu   (79 bytes , 256reads )
抛球引玉2:狼来了。 xiaoqiuqiu   (0 bytes , 281reads )
图。 xiaoqiuqiu   (45 bytes , 356reads )
后记。 xiaoqiuqiu   (262 bytes , 358reads )
En..... 氢氧化钠   (150 bytes , 271reads )
让发热的脑子清醒清醒,来的是时候. maxchenbo   (0 bytes , 219reads )
居安思危,好。 念奴娇   (0 bytes , 250reads )
不太懂,帮顶。 注意熊出没!   (0 bytes , 226reads )
看完了,鼓掌。 单号   (0 bytes , 311reads )