所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-05-16 10:54

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

SINGAPORE, April 25 (Reuters) - China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Corp. Ltd. (CAO) has bought by tender the full volume of 385,000 tonnes of jet fuel for May-June, but the amount lagged the peak import levels seen last year, traders said on Wednesday.

The tender intake was on top of earlier purchases of 295,000 tonnes for May. But the combined volume of 680,000 tonnes, or 89,000 barrels per day (bpd) for the May-June period, would be 23 percent lower than the 874,000 tonnes or 115,000 bpd bought last year.

The volumes are also less than the 94,000 bpd bought for February, the highest so far this year.

"Consumption is still robust in China. It is the higher domestic supply that has curbed import levels," another trader said.

The latest cargoes fetched slightly above $2 a barrel premium to Singapore quotes on a cost-and-freight basis, as opposed to premiums of close to $2 done in the past tender.

The prices were just 10-20 cents a barrel higher than the last tender despite tighter regional supplies caused by heavy refinery maintenance.

"It's quite disappointing to sellers considering the peak maintenance period. There are not much supplies around, yet the premiums are not reflective of fundamentals," said a trader.

Pricing interests in the Singapore oil hub could have limited the increase in premiums. "Asian prices are being depressed in the cash window, probably for pricing reasons with players desiring to keep the product in deep contangoed levels," a trader said.

Jet fuel imports make up a third of total aviation fuel demand in China, the world's second-biggest energy user.

CAO <CNAO.SI> supplies 95 percent of the jet fuel imports while the remaining 5 percent is sourced by South China directly via the import agent role of trading firm Zhuhai Zhenrong, traders say.

Last year, CAO bought on average 385,000 tonnes of jet fuel a month, up from 260,000 tonnes a month in 2005. But imports slowed in 2007 because of new refining capacity onstream such as the start-up of the 160,000-bpd Hainan refinery last September. ((Reporting by Felicia Loo, editing by Ramthan Hussain; felicia.loo.reuters.com@reuters.net felicia.loo@reuters.com, +65 6870 3497))


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CAO recorded net profit of US$5.7m in 1Q 2007 滴滴答答   (12 bytes , 1074reads )
china av oil的价值主要不在他现在的business,而是注入的资产。所以对现在的 牛魔王   (171 bytes , 412reads )
听说是天津港到北京机场的输油管线。 JSMEDP   (106 bytes , 345reads )
A股这么热,估价高得离谱。为什么把优质资产拿到新加坡来? xiaoqiuqiu   (46 bytes , 275reads )
1.95没抢到 bigmac   (0 bytes , 228reads )
1.94 弄了一点 fishhead   (27 bytes , 232reads )
不要拣便宜,抢反弹。CAO是从1.13涨上来的。现在才刚开始调整,不知道支撑点在哪里。 cold   (86 bytes , 375reads )
说的事,所以只敢进了一点 fishhead   (57 bytes , 255reads )
CAO几点: 之前忽视了的或者没忽视的 临江仙   (614 bytes , 450reads )
还有一点要注意 xiaoqiuqiu   (62 bytes , 327reads )
另外今年航油采购数量要比去年少一些 hoho   (2244 bytes , 373reads )
这种帖子值得讨论 speculatist   (660 bytes , 349reads )
1。 从报告上看,数据很中肯,解释也没有国内惯用的闪烁其词=〉管理层还好! banban   (176 bytes , 346reads )
感谢讨论。纯属讨论。你为什么认为这几个月油贵就对他生意有影响? speculatist   (203 bytes , 315reads )
的确。不过以上讨论的数据大多已在报告上了,除非我们不能相信这报告和数据。 banban   (276 bytes , 311reads )
看上去觉得还行啊。明天会不会守住2块? 花心大哥   (0 bytes , 184reads )
守不住的。明天会大跌。不过我是长期看好它的。迟早涨回来嘀。 念奴娇   (32 bytes , 308reads )
我认为会,守不住也不是坏事,正好趁机加仓 枫叶雨叶   (0 bytes , 232reads )
16% decrease compared to 2006 1Q. a little bit unexpected mike2007   (86 bytes , 351reads )