所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-05-10 08:20

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CH offshore 明天要大涨了吧 halley   (0 bytes , 700reads )
没有...的,不要玩contra orez   (154 bytes , 326reads )
烧到手了,亏了一点, Contra 真是刀口上舔血啊. 奔向小康   (0 bytes , 181reads )
我也买了,亏了。。。@66 想办法明天开溜。。。 bizlogic   (0 bytes , 212reads )
contra真的好危险啊 滴滴答答   (0 bytes , 215reads )
已退出,靠,只赚到一点小钱 halley   (0 bytes , 185reads )
这个做短线了,打游击的干活 halley   (0 bytes , 163reads )
图坏,墓碑石 halley   (0 bytes , 173reads )
看来离开了牛宝, 就是不行啊 forumstart   (0 bytes , 164reads )
大势已去了吗? forumstart   (0 bytes , 168reads )
现在是买劲不足,震仓,还是出货? forumstart   (0 bytes , 150reads )
现在停下来等你上船呢,谁敢上 halley   (0 bytes , 163reads )
能与哈雷牛宝同船, 吾等求之不得,就趁现在! forumstart   (0 bytes , 189reads )
me not vested now. i sold all mine last time in 2 batches at 65 and 61.5. 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 190reads )
没有牛宝坐anchor, 心不踏实,就像Pan Hong forumstart   (0 bytes , 197reads )
panhong still cheap. accumulate at 51, and 46. not vested now. 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 172reads )
0.65没拿到,巨恶。 banban   (0 bytes , 160reads )
量足了.上船. 欢乐股市   (0 bytes , 192reads )
这个要顶啊。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 191reads )
已经冲进去0.61 打天下   (0 bytes , 168reads )
those who sell at 0.58 or poor washed out contra players must regret... xiaohu   (116 bytes , 278reads )
今天量小,不然已经冲进去了。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 163reads )