The policy has been there for long time.
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-02-23 11:05

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Ever since ZPP was listed, they have been trying to paint the picture that the Agriculture market in China is so huge.
Yes, it is true but it did not prevent ZPP's bottomline dropping, why?
What make you think it can turn around the trend?

Used to be a big fan of ZPP but since the Company bought the land from the CEO(or another interested person, can not remember exactly) for RMB85M(from my memory again), I started to question the management's agenda. So far, the stock price movement has supported my doubt.

About the recent new shares issuement, One question: Why extra S$14 Million while there is RMB143M sitting idlely in the bank as short term deposit?

Nevertheless, it is certainly a stock worth watching closely, so fingers are crossed....

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
CNA时代已经该过去了.ZPP的机会大家好好要研究啊 北京时间   (569 bytes , 1373reads )
准备在ZZP 0.25左右进场,如果能下调到0.23左右,就加仓. tongci   (0 bytes , 215reads )
四天前就预测到0.25,岂不是更神.可惜不能看盘,浪费入场好机会. tongci   (19 bytes , 196reads )
既然“新加坡将来会惨烈的.也是最惨的”,ZPP的机会什么时候会到来? m1Phone   (429 bytes , 358reads )
D forpc   (0 bytes , 221reads )
don't fall in love with any stock bigapple   (94 bytes , 309reads )
爱上没关系,关键是分手时要快刀斩乱麻、干净利落 forpc   (0 bytes , 270reads )
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Zhguo Powerpl我给大家把把关 北京时间   (446 bytes , 419reads )
Enron, Worldcom哪一个不曾经是大机构投资者的宠儿啊? bigapple   (11 bytes , 398reads )
那些应是基金持仓,可这个股全是以个人名义买进的,并没有以公司名义买. maxchenbo   (243 bytes , 302reads )
照你这么说,基金都是在胡搞啊? bigapple   (0 bytes , 209reads )
基金的表现并不怎么样. maxchenbo   (38 bytes , 250reads )
同意北京的观点 maxchenbo   (229 bytes , 254reads )
Zhguo Powerpl本人可是在本网推荐的当时还没涨呢 北京时间   (296 bytes , 309reads )
从刚出的业绩看,ZPP确实不怎末样!为何引得众折腰呢? 昌昊   (44 bytes , 300reads )
post from other forum ssc   (1778 bytes , 466reads )
好贴,要顶! bigapple   (0 bytes , 242reads )
在国内的销售额,可能大幅攀升,可能创纪录,关注中国新农业政策, halley   (1109 bytes , 298reads )
中国关注农业的政策早就出来了.连农民兄弟的农业税都减了快1年了! 欢乐股市   (63 bytes , 184reads )
怎么只听说所有的三粮五钱什么的都现金化了 forpc   (0 bytes , 371reads )
The policy has been there for long time. xiaoqiuqiu   (753 bytes , 284reads )
因为我没顶啊. :) bigapple   (0 bytes , 171reads )
嘿嘿... 谢谢啦! ssc   (0 bytes , 194reads )
为什么楼上转贴的有黑桃,这个原创的没有? xiaoqiuqiu   (0 bytes , 199reads )
嚷了很多年,我看中国这回动真格的了,扩大内需,真正的动力在农村, halley   (523 bytes , 279reads )
觉得买这支股票,要有一年以上的准备,国内政策执行慢,需要时间看到效益, halley   (54 bytes , 270reads )
昌昊兄是基本面+曲线,是攻守兼备;北京兄是曲线+眼光,应该是股市老手!!! banban   (0 bytes , 255reads )
FA是King,TA是金 forpc   (0 bytes , 198reads )
i think think, materialist   (84 bytes , 237reads )
一般FA和TA的人互相逼视,最佩服集FA/TA于一身的人 forpc   (0 bytes , 228reads )
笔误,写反了,看你想随王还是追金 forpc   (0 bytes , 179reads )
业绩是不行,但前部长姚照东有入股,相信对中国农设市场有帮助,另1447万元也不能闲置吧? forpc   (0 bytes , 239reads )
连姚照东有入股都知道?> 欢乐股市   (32 bytes , 432reads )
业绩现在不行,不代表以后,特别是加了新的股东,以他们在中国的人脉,肯定有一番作为的. maxchenbo   (0 bytes , 193reads )
改两个字, "肯定"改成"也许". bigapple   (0 bytes , 162reads )
有谁知道姚前部长投资的 track record 啊? bigapple   (0 bytes , 238reads )
糟就糟在这里,只开一班的厂能利用率只有74%,还要 bigapple   (33 bytes , 246reads )
ZPP明天要跳水喽. bigapple   (17 bytes , 267reads )
现在27下午会不会到26??? forpc   (0 bytes , 166reads )
明天先空仓,再观察. ssc   (0 bytes , 175reads )
第四季更糟,未见好转迹象,更重要的是 bigapple   (45 bytes , 245reads )
net profit 降了11%. ssc   (0 bytes , 176reads )
zzp是啥股? 欢乐股市   (11 bytes , 260reads )
不好意思,是ZPP...啥股? 欢乐股市   (0 bytes , 168reads )
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这倒是 forumstart   (74 bytes , 322reads )
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