ask CFA...
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2006-08-26 10:54  评分:

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depends on the type of work,
corporate finance: communication skills, team work. extrem aggressive and passion
trading: your personality, aggressive and confident...
risk and quantz: analytical skills , communication skills and don't be agressive when intervew...haha...

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请教各位高人。。。 +花蝴蝶+   (136 bytes , 904reads )
r u interested in IT job in investment bank? flyover   (1 bytes , 270reads )
you know any vacancy? I am looking for a new job... patrician   (1 bytes , 303reads )
saw some in Intranet last week. flyover   (3 bytes , 286reads )
谢谢各位(不好意思,先让我擦一下里噙着的泪水) +花蝴蝶+   (222 bytes , 455reads )
of course you have working experience 大象   (65 bytes , 243reads )
还在眼睛里怎么擦啊? 邓可   (0 bytes , 208reads )
guess u didn't read frpapaya's or my replies... CFA   (101 bytes , 303reads )
guess u didn't read frpapaya's or my replied... CFA   (102 bytes , 291reads )
Agree with frpapaya CFA   (73 bytes , 406reads )
我也很感兴趣 patrician   (105 bytes , 336reads )
ask CFA... frpapaya   (271 bytes , 474reads )
why u think we all very aggressive... 邓可   (0 bytes , 258reads )