three reasons
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2006-06-22 21:33  评分:

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they are high growth company, much more sensitive to financial events.

2, weaker corporate governmence compared to local peers. CAO is one typical example, ironically, CAO was awarded the "most transparent listed company" in 03 or 04.

3. short track record and weaker financial balances.
one example is People food. when the founder was reported to have financial problems in 2005, the stock price plunged...


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中国股气势如虹! north933   (185 bytes , 903reads )
当心点儿,这一轮涨势最多持续到国庆。见好就收哈。 花心大哥   (0 bytes , 198reads )
Celestial 今天相当抢眼。。 north933   (398 bytes , 281reads )
中国股U字大反弹,其势不可挡。。。 north933   (112 bytes , 305reads )
奇怪了 tonys   (96 bytes , 340reads )
技术分析的天然局限性。。 north933   (366 bytes , 411reads )
技术分析的基本假设就是“价格反映一切”。 mobydick   (1149 bytes , 459reads )
mobydick果然是很有见地阿,非常期待能和你面谈讨论讨论。 halley   (322 bytes , 246reads )
你过奖了,在股市中我们每个人都要不断学习的。 mobydick   (0 bytes , 244reads )
"价格反映一切",价值决定一切! north933   (733 bytes , 397reads )
I feel buffet better also. solos's quant fund performed badly in tech bubble box   (96 bytes , 280reads )
巴菲特财富世界第二,我觉得还是要归因于他的投资理念。当然。。 north933   (189 bytes , 296reads )
索罗斯不单单是技术派,他的表现也超过巴菲特。 mobydick   (42 bytes , 296reads )
炒作常有的现象 神州六号   (0 bytes , 239reads )
中国股光芒四射! north933   (187 bytes , 303reads )
谢谢你的推荐,但是China Sky Chem的消息很少, huian   (41 bytes , 292reads )
招股书和 financial report 感觉也够了。。。 north933   (99 bytes , 293reads )
谢谢你的指导,我会好好看看那些financial report的。。。 huian   (0 bytes , 239reads )
不用客气,大家都是交流嘛 north933   (457 bytes , 307reads )
谢谢你提供的价位, huian   (80 bytes , 284reads )
three reasons box   (412 bytes , 303reads )
谢谢box的解答,探讨一下 huian   (161 bytes , 270reads )
er, generally yes box   (851 bytes , 301reads )
谢谢box了, huian   (46 bytes , 301reads )