所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2006-03-25 19:57  评分:

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UOBKayHian (U)

和 OCBC的。(O)

U's platform was quite plain and fast, the basic options are non-java platform. so you have to click refresh everytime if you wanna see the updated price. There is one choice to see real price in java in browser, but i never tried , hard to comment.

One very good thing about U's is its graph and historical data for all the companies in its research. Maybe ocbc also has? I am not sure. but Us seems to be more direct to me.

U's minus points is
1. you cannot use its normal account to play warrants(but prevent you from trading warrants directly might save you a lot of money, kidding,hehe). you can to call your broker. and
2. it did not display your buy/sell limits there, so you might encounter some cases that when you wanna do a buy order to buy back your short sell, you found trade rejected and you have to call your broker to refresh your limits. which might bring you some unnecessary cost.
3. it did not display for each counter, today how many trades done at what price so far. somethings these infor might help anyway.

Will actually recommand O a bit more.

although, actually for a intermediate or long term investor, these platforms did not matter much, seriously. they are all very good.

But for a Day trader , these platforms actually are not sufficient anyway,

so why bother to compare.... :P


Ever Thine, Ever Mine, Ever Ours
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[每周议题] 股票交易平台知多少 Economist   (198 bytes , 1105reads )
关于平台对比,自己有点感受 MrDJay   (1356 bytes , 452reads )
seems DBS's platform better. based on your description box   (36 bytes , 390reads )
so many typos. Appologize.... MrDJay   (0 bytes , 297reads )
how is research coverage? DBS is not good at small caps box   (81 bytes , 303reads )
Points to note when you read analysts' reports ... 神州六号   (1394 bytes , 504reads )
thanks. i read for info. need to exercise own judgement box   (219 bytes , 312reads )
嗯。说得好! MrDJay   (0 bytes , 254reads )
给大家个专业的 EPCU   (127 bytes , 536reads )
奇怪了! 神州六号   (87 bytes , 323reads )
你用 GL ? 每月多少钱? For TT . EPCU   (445 bytes , 337reads )
公司付的 神州六号   (0 bytes , 245reads )
请问神六兄在哪高就? 主要交易什么市场? EPCU   (0 bytes , 219reads )
OCBC Securities ... SGX and KLSE 神州六号   (0 bytes , 283reads )
问一下,个人可以直接申请SGX的会员资格吗? xiaoqiuqiu   (69 bytes , 299reads )
can. be a SGX Local CFA   (373 bytes , 429reads )
SGX Locals meant for Derivative Trading and not Equity Trading ... 神州六号   (57 bytes , 332reads )
i ain't sure. anyway thx for your clarification. btw CFA   (129 bytes , 349reads )
Clearing of Derivative trading is straight forward ... 神州六号   (178 bytes , 278reads )
SGX has done quite some non-sense things, get used to it already. xiaoqiuqiu   (0 bytes , 306reads )
ya ... they monopolise the mkt ... 神州六号   (51 bytes , 237reads )
no problem, btw the wedsite quoted by you ... 神州六号   (47 bytes , 294reads )
u r right. i juz revisited the site and found only DT accepts individual members CFA   (90 bytes , 258reads )
yes, equity. xiaoqiuqiu   (0 bytes , 250reads )
不可以 神州六号   (0 bytes , 210reads )
我先来抛砖引玉: Economist   (2327 bytes , 545reads )
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