quite sad about the recent scandals/rumors about chinese companies
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2004-12-13 16:06

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Rumors said the Wang Tingjiang got financial crisis. and Unifood garanteed about 50mil debt for Wang. Wang Ting Bao, the director of Unifood is Wang's younger brother. And David Yip, another major shareholder of Unifood, is also very close to Wang Family. Unifood's parent company was held by Wang family, well know in Lin Yi, Shandong.

Sigh, had 4 lots of Unifood.

The fears about Chinese companies are going around. Many chinese companies are hit recently. Sigh. Really, dont want to touch chinese companies any more. stay away from them.

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united food has requested for trading halt 邓可   (731 bytes , 719reads )
我好像看到一些中文媒体报道 大象   (60 bytes , 250reads )
哦, 下面的affyoligo也讲到了 大象   (0 bytes , 202reads )
to those who may be concerned with United Food 邓可   (1262 bytes , 341reads )
quite sad about the recent scandals/rumors about chinese companies affyoligo   (544 bytes , 254reads )
would u please share the reference whereby u claim " 邓可   (295 bytes , 241reads )
agree.. chinese companies being "slaughtered"...T_T MoneyTree   (0 bytes , 306reads )