所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2004-02-16 13:42  评分:

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现在本地房市是不是在最低点啊? 我们正在考虑要不要买房子.因为也不知道有什么别的更好投资.如果还要在这里再多呆几年的话,买房子一定比租房子划算吧? 现在手头有点积蓄, 不过只能买个三房式的组屋了....看看PR买房比本地人贵那么多,心里还真不平衡呢. 大家对于买房子有什么好的建议么? 还是把钱留在银行里,等以后找到定居的地方再买房子呢? 买房子也算一项投资吧?

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什么时候买房子最合适呢? technoplaza   (341 bytes , 1034reads )
HDB is a bit high already for 3 rooms frpapaya   (317 bytes , 532reads )
end dat is 4Q of 2003 but this price index include other hdb as well frpapaya   (67 bytes , 336reads )
looking at the renting cost vs buying cost CFA   (43 bytes , 455reads )
新加坡的房产总的来说还算比较稳定的长期投资 tonys   (203 bytes , 630reads )
fund in CPF OA and SA can also be used for investment purposes CFA   (90 bytes , 430reads )
我还是觉得买房子比较值 tonys   (458 bytes , 554reads )
hehe, everyone has his/her preference, CFA   (283 bytes , 407reads )
but current rental yield is about 5-10% for hdb..not so bad in fact.. frpapaya   (142 bytes , 375reads )
absolutly mu_lan   (0 bytes , 254reads )
好像新加坡的房地产市场比较稳定 庸人   (487 bytes , 543reads )
Not really, price fall 30-40% comparing to 1997 peak frpapaya   (57 bytes , 337reads )
还忘了一点,96,97时香港人对新加坡房产市场影响也不小 庸人   (23 bytes , 311reads )
hey, that's private residential property, not hdb tonys   (0 bytes , 231reads )
hey, take a look at HDB 5-rm's price movement CFA   (54 bytes , 329reads )
四小龙的时代可能一去不复返乐…… 庸人   (26 bytes , 335reads )