20年,跳槽12次, 屌丝的奋斗史
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2021-06-03 14:19

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Vice President
Company NameJPMorgan Chase & Co. Full-time
Dates EmployedMay 2021 – Present
Employment Duration2 mos
LocationSingapore, Singapore

Vice President
Company NameCiti
Dates EmployedNov 2018 – May 2021
Employment Duration2 yrs 7 mos

Senior Architect - Technology
Company NameNCS
Dates EmployedMay 2017 – Oct 2018
Employment Duration1 yr 6 mos

Project Lead
Company NameEquinix
Dates EmployedJun 2013 – Jan 2017
Employment Duration3 yrs 8 mos

Project Lead
Company NameCiti
Dates Employed2012 – 2013
Employment Duration1 yr

Worked via Emerio Global Soft
Bank of America
Company NameBank of America
Dates EmployedSep 2011 – Aug 2012
Employment Duration1 yr
Worked for CashproOnline Payment System

Principal Consultant
Company NameCiti
Dates EmployedAug 2007 – Aug 2011
Employment Duration4 yrs 1 mo
Worked in Citibank via Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd

Cambridge Solutions
Senior Software engineer
Company NameCambridge Solutions
Dates Employed2006 – 2007
Employment Duration1 yr

System Software Engineer
Company NameHewlett-Packard
Dates Employed2006
Employment Durationless than a year

Wipro Technologies
Company NameWipro Technologies
Dates Employed2005 – 2006
Employment Duration1 yr

HTC Global Service India Pvt. Ltd,
Software Engineer
Company NameHTC Global Service India Pvt. Ltd,
Dates Employed2004 – 2005
Employment Duration1 yr

Professional Algorithm PVT LTD
Software Engineer
Company NameProfessional Algorithm PVT LTD
Dates EmployedApr 2001 – Jun 2002
Employment Duration1 yr 3 mos
该帖荣获当日十大第2,奖励楼主18分以及27华新币,时间:2021-06-03 22:00:09。

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
20年,跳槽12次, 屌丝的奋斗史 家琪   (1705 bytes , 6050reads )
太牛了 打蜡冲冲冲   (0 bytes , 30reads )
多去找些高质量的好机会比在这里鼓动人去换工作有意义得多 我想披着马甲   (72 bytes , 38reads )
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巅峰V可以一直做到 Blzrd   (7 bytes , 43reads )
超极V,很多做到退休也就是VP 家琪   (0 bytes , 22reads )
什么V都比不上您上十大的能力 我想披着马甲   (0 bytes , 40reads )
人为何需要工作呢 何时不删号3   (0 bytes , 25reads )
层主大概只需要躺平, Blzrd   (14 bytes , 104reads )
因为有穷有富,不然谁给富人服务? andy99   (216 bytes , 20reads )
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楼主跟我前任一届。 小土   (0 bytes , 19reads )
@家琪 碰到熟人了 我来看你了   (0 bytes , 19reads )
20年混到VP, Blzrd   (46 bytes , 29reads )
也可能是跳的太频繁 家琪   (0 bytes , 18reads )
银行20年做到VP不是很难啊 小怪   (157 bytes , 37reads )
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对的, 印度人, 菲律宾, 印尼人都很团结的 家琪   (0 bytes , 18reads )
台湾人也很抱团 医药法规   (117 bytes , 23reads )
所以印度这些"飞上枝头"的,要感谢当年日不落的殖民 andy99   (48 bytes , 18reads )
印度人英语教育,,citi 的p都印度人呢 Flag888   (0 bytes , 17reads )
最早的银行IT外包都是给印度的, 所以他们在这方面有优势 家琪   (0 bytes , 23reads )
楼主是真的很强 慧慧妈妈两个宝   (0 bytes , 21reads )
老铁来点 实在的工钱多少 shipship   (0 bytes , 26reads )
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刚好对 Citi 和 JP 这两个都比较熟悉 coderr2018   (77 bytes , 40reads )
哦,金融领域的vp也不算很高 andy99   (0 bytes , 19reads )
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title并不高 seangoh   (94 bytes , 23reads )
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实体行业VP手下几千人都正常啊 凡人   (0 bytes , 30reads )
说明频繁跳槽爬的高呗 andy99   (0 bytes , 25reads )
我见过有人在UOB待了快20年, 还只是个AVP 家琪   (0 bytes , 24reads )
实体行业有些人中国背景的呆20年,也只是senior engineer级别 andy99   (51 bytes , 24reads )
把人家别人的经历 seangoh   (35 bytes , 24reads )
楼主自称的Grab的履历 hongmong   (8 bytes , 36reads )
这个简历应该是印度人的简历 中级民工   (83 bytes , 29reads )
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这哥们估计很郁闷 Seabass   (34 bytes , 19reads )
这个不是可以设置的吗 picaqiu   (20 bytes , 20reads )
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 南冰   (0 bytes , 13reads )
顶这楼 54qnian   (6 bytes , 15reads )
Professional Algorithm PVT LTD 熊维妮   (18 bytes , 38reads )
PVT LTD 华新小号163   (30 bytes , 17reads )
楼主真强 我爱读书   (10 bytes , 15reads )