所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2020-09-25 10:40

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
A sheep farmer is tending his flock when a city slicker rolls up in his BMW, hops out and asks, "Hey, if I tell you exactly how many sheep you have, can I take one?" The farmer nods, so the city slicker opens his laptop, calls up some satellite photos, runs some algorithms, and announces, "You have 1,432 sheep."

Impressed, the farmer says, "You're right. Go ahead and take one." So the city slicker loads one of the animals into the backseat of the car. "Now," says the farmer, "I'll bet all my sheep against your car that I can tell you what you do for a living."

A gaming sort, the city slicker says, "Sure."

"You're a consultant," says the farmer.

"Wow!" says the consultant. "How'd you know?"

"Well," says the farmer, "you come from nowhere even though I never asked you to. You drive a flash car, and waer a smart suit. You told me something I already knew. And you don't know anything about my business. Now give me back my dog."


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
求助,敢问有没有大神知道Accenture这家公司的 红色彗星   (135 bytes , 8551reads )
Accenture 这几年发展不错 瓶子爱朱雀   (264 bytes , 35reads )
哈哈 谢谢 红色彗星   (79 bytes , 22reads )
如果是程序员就不推荐了,工资很低。 殊哥哥   (99 bytes , 52reads )
可以简单介绍下他家待遇和福利吗? baoyagege   (51 bytes , 45reads )
glassdoor 上都很写的很准 殊哥哥   (45 bytes , 57reads )
+1 嘎哈嘎哈嘎哈   (4 bytes , 23reads )
joke Seabass   (944 bytes , 36reads )
这个笑话非常典型 笑天   (175 bytes , 28reads )
新管理层 Barnhardt   (199 bytes , 29reads )
我来回复楼主吧。 emilia   (263 bytes , 29reads )
感谢层主了~ 红色彗星   (0 bytes , 19reads )
在系统实施方面 信长   (29 bytes , 30reads )
IT consulting和IT outsourcing为主 edb   (200 bytes , 33reads )
你说的没错 seangoh   (110 bytes , 26reads )
+1 hunter0730   (0 bytes , 20reads )
看你是digital,management consulting还是tech? Dabao111   (22 bytes , 29reads )
请问可以分享一下management consulting 部门的细节吗? 小gami   (10 bytes , 21reads )
你做什么职位呢? 明镜严   (46 bytes , 10reads )
私信您了。提前谢谢啊 小gami   (0 bytes , 22reads )
私信 Dabao111   (0 bytes , 20reads )
您好,麻烦看私信。多谢啊 小gami   (0 bytes , 18reads )
我只知道这家(Accenture) 医药法规   (86 bytes , 22reads )
很有名的咨询公司啊 picaqiu   (22 bytes , 22reads )
然后就没有然后了 医药法规   (6 bytes , 19reads )
picaqiu   (90 bytes , 24reads )
一个简单询问贴,引起一场腥风血雨 笑天   (19 bytes , 33reads )
反正 bobo1318   (71 bytes , 19reads )
华为现在 宝狐   (515 bytes , 17reads )
在印度很活跃 小土   (62 bytes , 23reads )
这个好,顺便给自己打个广告 笑天   (209 bytes , 20reads )
 钱少,事儿多 limpeh   (0 bytes , 17reads )
我在里面跑过堂 闰金   (52 bytes , 31reads )
记得给软件类毕业生开的薪水不高 Seabass   (6 bytes , 30reads )
那是因为软件类是外包的 KBLBJ321   (132 bytes , 14reads )
怪不得软件服务质量不行 kcowen   (0 bytes , 24reads )
顺便说一句 医药法规   (19 bytes , 20reads )
这家公司你都不知道? nono   (0 bytes , 33reads )
这家公司你都不知道? nono   (2 bytes , 23reads )
用过他们的 service Ora   (116 bytes , 33reads )
那几本上是你们频率没对手 医药法规   (127 bytes , 29reads )
哈哈 too bad Ora   (85 bytes , 29reads )
都是套路啊,中国人民最喜欢说人家套路 医药法规   (132 bytes , 27reads )
只可信 跳槽来的都是新加坡人 Ora   (99 bytes , 48reads )
本来 swot 就是4格漫画啊 医药法规   (15 bytes , 26reads )
什么年头了...swot... 哈哈 Ora   (0 bytes , 25reads )
确实 leiyu   (0 bytes , 24reads )
有些东西能存在久远,就有其价值。 cosine   (224 bytes , 25reads )
天朝着几年的特点之一 笑天   (186 bytes , 21reads )
这口气, 笑天   (4 bytes , 24reads )
果然哈哈 医药法规   (107 bytes , 22reads )
这是完全不同的概念 Ora   (246 bytes , 23reads )
更正 医药法规   (340 bytes , 18reads )
不是吧,5g是讲远程操作,现在4g也勉强可以做 医药法规   (739 bytes , 17reads )
请问下本行业的瓶颈? 小土   (152 bytes , 25reads )
关于surgical robot 医药法规   (195 bytes , 32reads )
事实也差不多 宝狐   (216 bytes , 23reads )
做外包,A家有资格鄙视任何顾问公司 笑天   (179 bytes , 21reads )
你Pm 我吧 , 关于具体情况 Ora   (358 bytes , 20reads )
哦, 大家只是问我, 我用过公司的感受 Ora   (387 bytes , 22reads )
可以举个栗子吗。。 小土   (142 bytes , 21reads )
忘了一句 医药法规   (155 bytes , 21reads )
说一个笑话 宝狐   (192 bytes , 40reads )
我怎么看到这个“ 像swot这种tool是根据市场的变化而改变的” 笑天   (150 bytes , 20reads )
谈到费用问题的话 笑天   (191 bytes , 15reads )
多谢楼主 小土   (688 bytes , 18reads )
中国?东南亚或全球? 医药法规   (454 bytes , 15reads )
我们经营几家私立全科医院 小土   (164 bytes , 21reads )
行业细分-也远远还不止这些 笑天   (268 bytes , 45reads )
非常典型的销售口气 笑天   (360 bytes , 40reads )
我只能说,consultancy 各有专长的领域 医药法规   (789 bytes , 23reads )
一下仅是个人看法 Ora   (965 bytes , 22reads )
卖家几乎各个领域都是数一数二 ddodi   (205 bytes , 32reads )
请问 ddodi   (181 bytes , 27reads )
你做医疗? 医药法规   (175 bytes , 19reads )
请问谁好些哦 小土   (186 bytes , 24reads )
挺你,经典的东西变化很小的。 emilia   (197 bytes , 22reads )
不错的,燃鹅 医药法规   (195 bytes , 15reads )
说说, 医疗行业 咨询公司 谁强? 医药法规   (144 bytes , 23reads )
google 百度 只是让你看到名词 医药法规   (293 bytes , 22reads )
层主辛苦了, 呵呵 Ora   (264 bytes , 22reads )
顺便再吹个牛 医药法规   (258 bytes , 23reads )
呵呵, 辛苦了您了 Ora   (1053 bytes , 25reads )
啥很容易 闰金   (189 bytes , 16reads )
同意层主 闰金   (271 bytes , 45reads )
呵呵, 就算你们著名的MNC销售不用SWOT 医药法规   (642 bytes , 34reads )
莫怕 莫怕 Ora   (373 bytes , 27reads )
原来果然不知道 医药法规   (168 bytes , 22reads )
其实看过公司年龄大的人做过相关的介绍... Ora   (177 bytes , 24reads )
恍然大糊涂,原来你不知道什么是SWOT 医药法规   (113 bytes , 26reads )
人都喜欢做简单熟悉的工作 医药法规   (186 bytes , 22reads )
所谓 外来的和尚会念经 Ora   (0 bytes , 26reads )
并不是吧! 它山之石 比较合适 医药法规   (18 bytes , 22reads )
听听是好的 Ora   (25 bytes , 14reads )
四大咨询,跟麦肯锡和BCG齐名的 haotianqi   (0 bytes , 52reads )
没听过还有四大咨询 KBLBJ321   (148 bytes , 27reads )
这么出名的咨询公司你不知? vitesse   (12 bytes , 32reads )
it咨询业务比较多 扮猪吃老虎   (10 bytes , 42reads )
据说印度人很多 南勍   (0 bytes , 25reads )
+1! 印度人确实很多。 米子   (256 bytes , 25reads )
和他们合作过很多 Kitekite   (28 bytes , 29reads )
埃森哲啊 楼主是真的不知道吗0.0 Seven116   (2 bytes , 39reads )
能进这家公司的人 三好   (9 bytes , 28reads )