所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2017-05-25 17:27

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Unfortunately we will have to cancel our interview on 26 May 2017 (Friday) due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyond our control.
We are deeply sorry for the inconveniences caused. Please be rest assured that you would be our priority candidate when re-schedule this assessment. You would be further notified once we have a confirm new assessment date.
Please take this as a confirm notice of cancellation.
Appreciate your patience and understanding.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
裸辞 acerbravo   (181 bytes , 8469reads )
拍拍楼主,找工作是要有点运气的 卉卉   (231 bytes , 57reads )
谢谢谢谢 acerbravo   (157 bytes , 73reads )
啊啊啊啊啊 acerbravo   (39 bytes , 54reads )
擦擦擦擦 acerbravo   (457 bytes , 62reads )
对于此公司我已经无语 acerbravo   (33 bytes , 88reads )
周六面试是个神马事 icky   (18 bytes , 43reads )
终于找到工了 acerbravo   (86 bytes , 88reads )
恭喜恭喜 凝华   (30 bytes , 36reads )
恭喜楼主! 贝爷   (30 bytes , 42reads )
是的 acerbravo   (16 bytes , 65reads )
恭喜楼主! cicihoo   (35 bytes , 48reads )
我也是转行d. 天天宝宝1122   (66 bytes , 52reads )
这是报应么? acerbravo   (61 bytes , 47reads )
机会还会有的 icky   (0 bytes , 44reads )
辞职理由 相当提神   (30 bytes , 47reads )
一般不会黑的,而且查的也是很black&white的东西 janeyy   (80 bytes , 38reads )
两周了 acerbravo   (71 bytes , 47reads )
楼主做哪个行业的? 狮子王   (5 bytes , 40reads )
IT。。。 acerbravo   (14 bytes , 48reads )
银行的? 狮子王   (5 bytes , 38reads )
不是银行 acerbravo   (81 bytes , 58reads )
再update下 acerbravo   (79 bytes , 54reads )
Update 下进程 acerbravo   (195 bytes , 77reads )
这就是典型的对事不对人啊, 很Professional。 你可以开诚布公 beerguy   (32 bytes , 68reads )
忍一时风平浪静 rei331   (84 bytes , 55reads )
有点后悔 acerbravo   (77 bytes , 62reads )
因为什么生气啊 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 61reads )
一言难尽,除了之前楼上说的原因,还有 acerbravo   (170 bytes , 66reads )
目测这些都不是物理桑害 指责会影响你薪水吗? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 49reads )
不会 acerbravo   (100 bytes , 62reads )
求不好的话说来听听 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 47reads )
没啥大不了的 shinybird   (100 bytes , 56reads )
在新加坡 天天宝宝1122   (50 bytes , 89reads )
谢谢大家指答解惑 acerbravo   (223 bytes , 65reads )
你还有PR啊,更不用愁哈哈 高山流水   (4 bytes , 41reads )
BA在坡很吃香的 狮子王   (100 bytes , 70reads )
要自信了。十个月了也没问题吧。 高山流水   (30 bytes , 56reads )
在新加坡这种换工作频率还好啦 一念成悦   (42 bytes , 192reads )
还要做背景调查啊 serena315   (162 bytes , 61reads )
坡上说谎被抓住后果蛮严重的 疯狂的加菲   (134 bytes , 52reads )
哦,好的,谢谢 serena315   (62 bytes , 55reads )
据楼主所知 acerbravo   (194 bytes , 61reads )
唉,我虽然是非金融的 serena315   (90 bytes , 45reads )
其实我一直不懂找前雇主做背景调查这个神奇的东西有啥意义 南瓜小姐123   (373 bytes , 69reads )
目测没问题 fyang33   (80 bytes , 54reads )
工作2年多换了3,4家的多了去了 yueli   (42 bytes , 59reads )
求个HR大神回答下 acerbravo   (255 bytes , 81reads )
确实 youngcy   (328 bytes , 57reads )
楼主别担心啦 呼呼怪   (64 bytes , 48reads )
也不至于不会看吧 只要有下家欣赏你的 南瓜小姐123   (112 bytes , 64reads )
小坡跳槽多是正常的 熊维妮   (22 bytes , 74reads )
新加坡多小 芒果妈   (28 bytes , 125reads )
表面上肯定都是客套话 acerbravo   (26 bytes , 64reads )