所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2014-07-29 22:10

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

由于building还没有TOP,现场进进出出需要戴安全帽,今天由于下大雨,自己和同事淋了一身的雨,在工地上把帽子脱了让头发干的更快,结果被一个极品的security officer看到了,然后就是.....


具体情况在我的email里, 老板名字用xx代替

Hi xx,

This afternoon me and Bryan were mounting the switches at FSC L2 Right WC. Because we need to dispose the switch boxes we opened in the morning for FSC L2 Left WC into the waste collection point about 200 meters away from FSC entrance, we were unfortunately caught in the heavy rain for several times, and also because there are two Lantro guys already inside the tiny WC which is less than 5 square meters, so we took off our helmet to cool off our hairs as well as to free up some space for our mounting work (the space between the open rack and Comnet rack can barely allow a thin person to step inside, let alone wearing the helmet).

Because the WC is too small to do the preparation work (open the switches boxes, install the rack mount ear etc.), we decided to do it just 1 meter outside of the WC, and we were 'caught' by the 1st site officer who just came to us and took the photo for both me and Bryan without giving any verbal warning. Me and Bryan reliased the issue and we put on out helmet immediately. After that I went to CH server room to get the AP mount kits for Lantro, and the 2nd site officer stopped me on the way.

I had no idea why he stopped me and after I gave him my NAGa site pass, he was not using any rude tone but rather SHOUTING at me like crazy in Mandarin: "你以为这里是什么地方,哈? 你以为是你爸爸的地盘啊?你以为你想怎样就怎样啊?告诉你我才是这里的老大!", after this he took another photo of me and my pass, and after he returned the pass to me, I heard him whispered "F**K OFF !", I was really shocked and enraged but I didn't confront him or reply him even a single word.

I know he was doing his job, I also have no problem with the penalty because it was my fault at first place, but the way he communicated to me made me really feel threatened and demeaned, we were also doing our work, we will be working onsite for another 3 to 4 months, we do cherish mutual respect instead of a hostile work environment! Since he can behave like this to a person he never met before, I can't imagine how arrogant and rude he will be in the future.


该帖荣获当日十大第1,奖励楼主25分以及37华新币,时间:2014-07-30 22:00:02。
该帖荣获当日十大第6,奖励楼主8分以及12华新币,时间:2014-07-31 22:00:01。

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
来新十年,工作中第一次遇到如此粗鲁的坡人,老板已帮忙 王印   (2501 bytes , 6654reads )
security officer 就得要这种性格的 geshen516ch   (0 bytes , 87reads )
因职业缘故,见过太多违反安全规定导致的死亡与工伤事例。 沃西山人   (76 bytes , 122reads )
我倒是建议你去和对方约个架 divor   (520 bytes , 108reads )
另外那么大的项目楼主还亲自去装交换机 sonata.zm   (24 bytes , 94reads )
公司不算大,正缺人 王印   (28 bytes , 116reads )
你买个小弟什么的? sonata.zm   (39 bytes , 98reads )
看得出来是同行 王印   (28 bytes , 106reads )
老板已经给了两个小弟了 王印   (50 bytes , 99reads )
我也遇到过类似的,我直接跟他讲 sonata.zm   (22 bytes , 101reads )
哈哈,然后呢? 王印   (0 bytes , 115reads )
就跑去跟业主投诉了 sonata.zm   (47 bytes , 100reads )
那还好啦 王印   (31 bytes , 101reads )
这种事情你心里这么过不去 当时就不要包子 后面因为这点小事再折腾毫无结果的 真实的马甲   (534 bytes , 117reads )
技术贴,受教了 王印   (88 bytes , 123reads )
老板回话了 王印   (1140 bytes , 116reads )
刚才在地铁上4G有延迟,多发了几次,版主帮忙把重复的删了吧 王印   (0 bytes , 96reads )
老板回话了 王印   (1140 bytes , 104reads )
老板回话了 王印   (1140 bytes , 99reads )
作为老板,这封信的实际内容只有最后一段 Aether   (475 bytes , 101reads )
其实我觉得LZ似乎听不进别人的意见 sinken   (225 bytes , 102reads )
阿拉觉得他还年轻,磨练一下就好了 Aether   (123 bytes , 84reads )
楼主您好。 materialist   (213 bytes , 109reads )
哈哈 王印   (66 bytes , 100reads )
写错了,是延误,不是厌恶 materialist   (0 bytes , 88reads )
敢问楼主在哪个公司啊? lbq   (2 bytes , 74reads )
Chio Lim Stone Forest 王印   (18 bytes , 130reads )
何必在乎别人怎么看 明珠有泪   (288 bytes , 108reads )
受教了 王印   (291 bytes , 109reads )
看到这真是觉得楼主你够了 石春凝   (1122 bytes , 89reads )
就算露珠老板找到那边老板 那边老板说有投诉你骂人 那人回答没有啊 真实的马甲   (114 bytes , 92reads )
躺枪,阿拉是真萌啊 Aether   (144 bytes , 84reads )
小和尚萌萌哒 石春凝   (28 bytes , 73reads )
李小琳? 田七   (0 bytes , 89reads )
阿拉过了需要道貌岸然的阶段了:) Aether   (277 bytes , 78reads )
楼主宽心,这个世界本来就有不少倚老卖老,自以为是的键盘英雄 haoliaoa   (5 bytes , 101reads )
比如阿拉小和尚:) Aether   (5 bytes , 89reads )
貌似楼主白天就说无视你了,你晚上跑来把人帖子回个遍,省省吧 haoliaoa   (22 bytes , 103reads )
承蒙跟在阿拉后面翻帖子 Aether   (20 bytes , 89reads )
呵呵,小丑继续跳吧,楼主不理你是对的,偶闪人了。 haoliaoa   (5 bytes , 98reads )
慢走,苍老师:) 常回来啊:) Aether   (5 bytes , 89reads )
呵呵,就这么走了也不对,该给道貌岸然的键盘英雄道个别。 haoliaoa   (48 bytes , 108reads )
哟,说你弱智起来就一发不可收拾,还真没冤枉你 haoliaoa   (364 bytes , 408reads )
注意言辞啊.要文明:-) Aether   (199 bytes , 189reads )
啧啧啧,还真把自己当键盘英雄了? haoliaoa   (442 bytes , 100reads )
白天忙啊.楼上的逻辑很牛x啊 Aether   (245 bytes , 143reads )
我很清楚你要弱智起来,一发不可收拾,但我还真想见识见识。 haoliaoa   (302 bytes , 137reads )
回来就好,不要重犯旧日失误了 Aether   (33 bytes , 105reads )
:) Aether   (5 bytes , 73reads )
看了第一段我就在想这个sales好厉害+赚好多钱啊 我是双鱼座岚   (5 bytes , 107reads )
还行吧 王印   (27 bytes , 92reads )
这个project至少1m啦 我是双鱼座岚   (15 bytes , 87reads )
听sales说是2.7m 王印   (79 bytes , 92reads )
能抢到这么大的project已经很不容易了 我是双鱼座岚   (15 bytes , 92reads )
看了邮件第一句就好觉楼主英语要加强啊。。 狮子王   (0 bytes , 82reads )
这个无所谓吧~ 能看懂交流就行 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 89reads )
本人IT民工一枚,技术出生,英语确实有待加强,诚心求阁下指教 王印   (45 bytes , 108reads )
如果本科不是英语环境,已经过的去了.如果是本地念的,可能要多注意一下别人怎么说写 真实的马甲   (0 bytes , 89reads )
其实你运气算好的啦,10年才遇到一个极品 AllenC   (111 bytes , 78reads )
感觉你是在说我。。。 freemansugar   (209 bytes , 97reads )
真心理解你,赶紧走人吧,把那些jp仍了 AllenC   (34 bytes , 69reads )
说得太对了,我之前一直狠不下心来,贪恋公司其它的好处 freemansugar   (193 bytes , 125reads )
既然你老板支持你的话, 大漠孤烟   (46 bytes , 88reads )
对方老板已经道歉 王印   (97 bytes , 106reads )
对方老板不会道歉的:)这是老板之间的事情了 Aether   (170 bytes , 83reads )
楼主你干嘛care对方的语气? 你没带安全帽才是起因~直接Thanks for your reminder 功夫熊猫   (36 bytes , 145reads )
读了猫兄和AllenC姑娘的帖子,我好像开始相信星座了。:) 无贬义,但[…] 赶超美日   (10 bytes , 96reads )
我一直都很相信星座的 AllenC   (106 bytes , 83reads )
我一直都很相信星座的啊 AllenC   (48 bytes , 76reads )
点解L 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 84reads )
貌似这件事情你做的不对。 Aurae   (79 bytes , 85reads )
我承认了是我的错,整个过程中我没有说一句话,问题是这个人的态度 王印   (516 bytes , 101reads )
不觉得。 Aurae   (91 bytes , 97reads )
以德报怨,何以报德,以直报怨 天行   (0 bytes , 92reads )
若天行是楼主老板,如何处理呐? Aether   (44 bytes , 90reads )
哈哈。 Aurae   (114 bytes , 90reads )
不打不成交?《水浒传》我还是读过的 王印   (231 bytes , 95reads )
不要搭理他,无视他就好了。秀才遇到兵了。 田七   (95 bytes , 109reads )
当然不会一直把这事放在心上 王印   (45 bytes , 92reads )
不要放在心上 zarayu   (203 bytes , 84reads )
哈哈。。 Aurae   (97 bytes , 83reads )
这个坡人什么学历?目测不过diploma nicolas   (8 bytes , 106reads )
根本不认识,一个45-50岁左右的华人 王印   (66 bytes , 94reads )
看错 当我没说..... nicolas   (0 bytes , 95reads )
楼主宽心 桃娘   (146 bytes , 102reads )
恩,在新生活十年了,突然被人来这一下很不适应 王印   (156 bytes , 84reads )
这事你做错了 Aether   (183 bytes , 99reads )
我承认了是我的错,整个过程中我没有说一句话,问题是这个人的态度 王印   (392 bytes , 103reads )
他的未来是他的,你的未来是你的 Aether   (119 bytes , 86reads )
如果今天被一个不认识的人当众如此大声辱骂的是阁下 王印   (18 bytes , 98reads )
如果,是我做错了,这是我应得的 Aether   (327 bytes , 87reads )
以前一直觉得你说话有些疯疯癫癫的 Sunnyan   (187 bytes , 82reads )
严于律己,宽于待人,阁下的意思我明白 王印   (260 bytes , 87reads )
赫赫,小和尚经历的要不你严酷的多了:) Aether   (380 bytes , 103reads )
看得出来阁下经历过风雨,斗胆猜测年龄大我至少一轮 王印   (1163 bytes , 114reads )
看到这真是笑死,lz老板有这样的下属真是头痛 r3865488   (577 bytes , 83reads )
楼上言重了 Aether   (244 bytes , 79reads )
这个super犀利.... AllenC   (5 bytes , 76reads )
楼主说的好~赞~ 奔三的小妇人   (0 bytes , 84reads )
你就没看出来他逻辑有问题吗········ 天行   (0 bytes , 88reads )
懂啥了,书呆子,那是说你是9岁小孩子脾性 Aether   (206 bytes , 93reads )
之前没看出来,不过看了他的”阿拉18你9岁“的回复后,懂了 王印   (4 bytes , 79reads )
阿拉18你9岁 Aether   (322 bytes , 80reads )
真是得意自满啊。 Aurae   (166 bytes , 93reads )
哈哈,可爱的小孩 Aether   (255 bytes , 74reads )
@Aurae,不要和老uncle说他18岁买冰棍的事了 王印   (177 bytes , 110reads )
回下面楼梯写的挺好的 Aurae   (115 bytes , 92reads )
haha... Aurae   (175 bytes , 92reads )
哦你想象错了 Aether   (343 bytes , 80reads )
想必那位被阁下“设计”kill掉的大拿(vp)得罪过不少人 王印   (384 bytes , 109reads )
楼主讲了,他对罚款无所谓 桃娘   (72 bytes , 88reads )
:) Aether   (196 bytes , 97reads )
对的,不过forgive很难。 桃娘   (110 bytes , 88reads )
哎呀,楼主和妹子都算了吧。他们在工地基本上说话的语气就这样,如果常去工地[…] 赶超美日   (77 bytes , 97reads )
工地也有不少态度没那么拽的SO 王印   (131 bytes , 80reads )
哈哈哈。 桃娘   (155 bytes , 107reads )
我不会计较的,因为他不是值得我计较的层次:) Aether   (258 bytes , 84reads )
很同意这位的标题 natalieeee   (144 bytes , 74reads )
原来只要占理就能为所欲为,受教了····· 天行   (42 bytes , 89reads )
哈哈 natalieeee   (147 bytes , 80reads )
奴性思想太重了吧···LZ的抗议有理有据,该投诉的地方就要投诉。如果真当[…] 天行   (36 bytes , 78reads )
赫赫:) Aether   (141 bytes , 94reads )
其实我是陕西人~ 天行   (137 bytes , 88reads )
川人都有一股气的 Aether   (305 bytes , 96reads )
小和尚一个:) Aether   (214 bytes , 76reads )
这位 草垛^^   (222 bytes , 82reads )
哇···还能看出我以前的影子···········鬼上身吗 天行   (155 bytes , 77reads )
根据他以前找工作频繁跳槽的帖子吧, Aether   (299 bytes , 82reads )
你试过了? 天行   (162 bytes , 111reads )
因为他技术不错.我愿意他更全面发展改善自己 Aether   (198 bytes , 96reads )
那你管lz是不是不服气干嘛··一点都不大气啊··· 天行   (135 bytes , 92reads )
楼主的问题在于 Aether   (292 bytes , 93reads )
汗… natalieeee   (302 bytes , 109reads )
很赞! 鱼儿瞅瞅   (0 bytes , 117reads )