所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2013-10-02 10:18

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Eligibility for Applications (LTVP/ LTVP - Plus)

Foreign spouse of Singapore Citizen (SC) or Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) may apply for Long-Term Visit Pass or LTVP in short, online via e-VP

From 1 April 2012, the Long-Term Visit Pass - Plus or LTVP+ in short, provides foreign spouses of SCs with greater certainty of stay here by granting the holder a longer period of residency. LTVP+ holders will be eligible for healthcare and employment benefits. For further details on the LTVP+, please refer to the News Release.

There is no separate application for LTVP+. Foreign spouses of SCs who submit applications for LTVP would automatically be considered for LTVP+ if they are eligible. All applications for a Visit Pass are assessed on their own merits and are subject to approval.


Letter of Consent for Long-Term Visit Pass - Plus
(LTVP+) holders
Who are eligible
If a Long-Term Visit Pass - Plus (LTVP+) holder wishes to work in Singapore, the employer will need to apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC). This can be done via Employment Pass Online (EP Online).

For more information on LTVP+ eligibility, please visit Immigration & Checkpoints Authority’s website.

Before you begin the application process, please look at these important information:
The employer will need to submit the application for Letter of Consent.
The LTVP+ holder can only begin working after the employer has received the Letter of Consent.
The Letter of Consent ceases to be valid:
- When the LTVP+ is cancelled or has expired; or

- The pass holder is no longer employed by the company.


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
LTVP找工作中,有WP的offer要不要接? 宁一   (383 bytes , 4144reads )
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谢谢,了解啦 宁一   (0 bytes , 175reads )
公民的配偶直接申请Dependent PR,不需要有工作,通常半年之内可以批下来。 喜欢吃火锅   (195 bytes , 669reads )
谢谢火锅同学~ 宁一   (189 bytes , 187reads )
如果你持的是LTVP+,那MOM只会给你一封批准你工作的信,不需要换Pass的。 喜欢吃火锅   (1749 bytes , 539reads )
嗯,你说的是PLUS,我是没有PLUS的那种,anyway谢谢啦 宁一   (0 bytes , 268reads )
千万不要,我就是SP没找到,接了WP C酱   (17 bytes , 263reads )
嗯,老公和家人还是不同意,我就没接 宁一   (0 bytes , 184reads )
看你pr是谁给担保, amyray   (89 bytes , 164reads )
我现在拿LTVP的,所以PR是老公担保的 宁一   (0 bytes , 349reads )
为什么不给申请SP? lanlin   (10 bytes , 167reads )
底薪确实不够。。。每天都在纠结 宁一   (0 bytes , 157reads )
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