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property agent完全可以兼职做的。以下是CEA网站的FAQ,没有说part time不可以做

Can CEA consider further raising the standard of salespersons by making it compulsory for all salespersons to be full-timers instead of doing estate agency work on freelance basis?

The new regulatory regime requires all persons doing estate agency work, whether on a full-time or a part-time basis, to be registered. They must fulfill all registration requirements which include meeting fit and proper criteria, passing the CEA examination and undergoing mandatory continuing professional development of a minimum of 6 credit hours a year. They are also required to adhere to a regulatory Code of Ethics and Professional Client Care, failing which they will be subject to disciplinary actions.

只是说随着政府进一步加强了对中介的要求后,part time越来越难混了,这无疑是逼着中介尽量做full time。以下是注册成为RES的条件,也没有提到说不可以做其他职业。唯一不可以跟房地产中介同时做的只是money lender

B) Registration Criteria for New Salespersons The registration criteria for a new salesperson are as follows:
i. Must be at least 21 years old
ii. Must have a minimum of 4 GCE 'O' Levels passes or equivalent
iii. Possess a pass in the Real Estate Salesperson (RES) exam or equivalent
iv. Be registered with only 1 licensed estate agent
v. Must not be an existing licensee/Key Executive Officer of another licensed estate agent
vi. Must not hold a moneylender's licence and not be an employee, director, or partner of a licensed moneylender
vii. Undertake mandatory continuing professional development of at least 6 hours a year
viii. Must be covered by a Professional Indemnity Insurance valid for at least one year from the commencement date of the registration
ix. Must not be in arrears with the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board for Medisave contribution. Please click here to check if you have Medisave liabilities.
Fulfill the fit and proper criteria, such as:
a) Must not be an un-discharged bankrupt or have entered into a composition or scheme of arrangement with their creditors
b) Must not have any convictions in a court of law in any country.
c) Must not have any judgment that involved a finding of fraud, dishonesty or breach of fiduciary duties entered against them in civil proceedings
d) Must not have been detained under the Misuse of Drugs Act or served with a detention/police supervision order under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act
e) Has not been convicted of any offence under the Estate Agents Act
The information above also applies to the practising partners in General and Limited Partnerships. For foreign applicants, estate agents should first check with CEA on the type of employment pass they should possess.

提供房产相关咨询,我的热门贴: 有关做房地产中介:http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/bbs.php?B=146_14073397 学区房讨论大坑:http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/ztree.php?B=172_13367610 名校清单个人总结:http://bbs.huasing.net/bbs.php?B=179_14534182
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人生第一次面试,觉得PHD真是白读了,真心木有用。 Takuto   (163 bytes , 10917reads )
卖保险100w的卖出去一两个今年都不用愁了。。 想当然耳   (98 bytes , 132reads )
建議lz找相關工作,除非對某個行業喜歡而且了解 格格巫婆   (69 bytes , 108reads )
如果把读phd的4年时间用做卖保险 绿江河   (57 bytes , 178reads )
不是每个人在大学毕业的时候都对   (233 bytes , 153reads )
同一行行出状元的说法 FruitTree   (217 bytes , 103reads )
无论是保险还是其他销售工作,不能说PHD就白读了。 -_-||   (343 bytes , 149reads )
因为你面试 14202   (206 bytes , 128reads )
小名摇钱树,大名钱多多,我也觉得你这皮埃迪白读了 冰是睡着的水   (0 bytes , 105reads )
我的梦想就是30岁之前能读个屁挨吃帝。。。 °︷Miko﹏   (94 bytes , 142reads )
而且一定要21岁遇到那个他,30岁前两孩儿+屁挨地+钱多多+有时间+做爱做的事 冰是睡着的水   (12 bytes , 158reads )
我的确是21岁遇到的…… °︷Miko﹏   (81 bytes , 141reads )
实在要做agent不如做property agent 逃课专家   (107 bytes , 214reads )
property agent最好是PR才可以 凡人   (64 bytes , 265reads )
可以两个同时做啊,这两个有矛盾么? wen_1982   (42 bytes , 121reads )
不能同时做 @Lucy   (82 bytes , 125reads )
没这回事吧,我认识同时有注册保险经纪和房地产经纪的 凡人   (2744 bytes , 254reads )
这样啊。这个规定好奇特 wen_1982   (105 bytes , 112reads )
那都是老黄历了 @Lucy   (146 bytes , 118reads )
原来是这样。多谢解答! wen_1982   (0 bytes , 90reads )
读完博士去面试对学历要求很低的工作 没有说服力阿 真实的马甲   (0 bytes , 103reads )
做保险压力很大,而且有种在骗人的负罪感,你真的要做? zqq   (179 bytes , 142reads )
我不是很同意保险经纪像是骗人的说法,看你自己怎么定位 凡人   (1403 bytes , 145reads )
凡人姐姐,能推荐下你的保险经纪人么,谢谢 olivlly   (0 bytes , 160reads )
凡人姐姐的话太赞了 我是双鱼座岚   (310 bytes , 123reads )
你要是志向就是卖保险那你当初读什么phd啊 zhaoyu45   (0 bytes , 127reads )
如果是数学强的话 灵山   (18 bytes , 166reads )
投行的quants大家都想进啊~ 小妖霖霖   (29 bytes , 194reads )
我也不知道啊 灵山   (43 bytes , 150reads )
投行哪里有这么多 quant 职位? soc   (0 bytes , 416reads )
看不懂你这句话的意思 灵山   (0 bytes , 133reads )
这行turn over很高的,很多人进去做几个月就干不下去了 AllenC   (2216 bytes , 161reads )
看完这段顿时觉得我做不了卖保险的了 n95   (0 bytes , 98reads )
有时候真的有楼主相同的想法 开水00   (91 bytes , 119reads )
我觉得很多公司不需要phd是真的,但是phd毕业的人本身就少也是真的 freemansugar   (371 bytes , 130reads )
-- fangz331   (598 bytes , 173reads )
我有见过physics的PhD毕业进management consult[…] 大漠孤烟   (49 bytes , 156reads )
敢问下哪家公司? Takuto   (0 bytes , 107reads )
具体哪家记不清楚了,不过人家好像PhD毕业前通过了CFA二级还是三级来着[…] 大漠孤烟   (6 bytes , 116reads )
哇,一不小心上十大了。 BLK60ji   (173 bytes , 98reads )
来谈谈自己的观点 我是双鱼座岚   (2241 bytes , 157reads )
谢谢双鱼MM的客观评价。我会好好考虑的。 Takuto   (0 bytes , 139reads )
Commission Structure of Insurance Agents REVEALED (zt) 新股新人   (114 bytes , 248reads )
Nice suggestions. Thanks. Takuto   (0 bytes , 145reads )
目测该上十大了 哈哈哈哈~ 大眼睛小萝莉   (13 bytes , 101reads )
你去面试炒粿条打击会更大,岂不是要去死了? 芥茉芥茉   (0 bytes , 100reads )
这个不用面试吧。 Takuto   (0 bytes , 89reads )
要的吧。。首先得炒的好吃! 嗷嗷吃饭睡觉   (0 bytes , 101reads )
物理的博士又喜欢钱的,应该去投行试试啊。搞几个金融模型出来口袋就满了。 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 314reads )
楼主想多了解一些,请进。http://bbs.huasing.org/[…] 小寒   (62 bytes , 300reads )
华新果然深似海啊。高见高见。 Takuto   (0 bytes , 117reads )
觉得楼主的气质 小寒   (120 bytes , 131reads )
学物理的啊。今天面试说了句"physics",结果面试官没反应过来。 Takuto   (91 bytes , 122reads )
学物理的很牛啊 哈哈 relax999   (21 bytes , 119reads )
学物理的,可以去Astar呀 小寒   (0 bytes , 147reads )
Astar做研究么,这个就免了。据说Astar还特别排外,不是新加坡人的[…] Takuto   (20 bytes , 258reads )
楼主你想太多了,PhD是一份职业经历不是学位经历。。。 功夫熊猫   (21 bytes , 146reads )
但是当别人问你,有没有工作经验? 在哪工作的?什么职位?这类问题的时候,[…] Takuto   (10 bytes , 123reads )
工作经验就说x年Phd啊。。。 做牛做马买东西乔价格弄代码抢项目码论文。。。 功夫熊猫   (10 bytes , 128reads )
那些要求工作经验的,都可以申请罗? Takuto   (0 bytes , 108reads )
可以 又不犯法 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 139reads )
功夫熊猫,个高胆大,哈哈哈。 Takuto   (0 bytes , 114reads )
话说我当年大学一毕业屁颠屁颠的跑去做insurance agent。然后[…] patrician   (11 bytes , 157reads )
敢问怎么跪的? Takuto   (0 bytes , 112reads )
单子很难找啊 patrician   (625 bytes , 158reads )
进银行最有钱途。。。 嗷嗷吃饭睡觉   (6 bytes , 124reads )
再次同意。 大壮壮   (0 bytes , 161reads )
那得先去啃基本banking, marketing, 和 financial的书啊,最讨厌看书了,唉~ Takuto   (0 bytes , 149reads )
不用啊。 °︷Miko﹏   (18 bytes , 140reads )
不会吧。。。。不可思议哦。。 Takuto   (0 bytes , 123reads )
+1~ patrician   (0 bytes , 144reads )
肄业了有用不? 小妖霖霖   (154 bytes , 223reads )
囧,一加表情就错楼了。这是回miko的…… 小妖霖霖   (17 bytes , 124reads )
有用!! 嗷嗷吃饭睡觉   (21 bytes , 123reads )
为了给楼主更详细的了解,欢迎楼主阅读这个帖子~ 小妖霖霖   (52 bytes , 197reads )
果然厉害 小寒   (30 bytes , 128reads )
还是版大利害,:D Takuto   (0 bytes , 110reads )
如果我可以我就去读了。。。。。。 嗷嗷吃饭睡觉   (14 bytes , 132reads )
同意。 大壮壮   (20 bytes , 164reads )
phd还是不要去卖保险了吧…… 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 166reads )
认识一个phd,买保险。开bmw 五系 会吃人的小松鼠   (0 bytes , 120reads )
开BMW5的也可以是屌丝啊   (0 bytes , 86reads )
为啥我觉得开BM的都是爆发户? 神探福临门一脚   (21 bytes , 101reads )
那是国内吧   (49 bytes , 126reads )
求解释。新加坡车很贵的。 会吃人的小松鼠   (0 bytes , 121reads )
这里是贵   (567 bytes , 86reads )
不过做销售就不一样了,工作需要呀 我是双鱼座岚   (0 bytes , 85reads )
为啥我不觉得月入5k,月供1k可以轻松开回家呀 我是双鱼座岚   (93 bytes , 113reads )
妹纸喜欢玩车的少~   (0 bytes , 114reads )
我有前提   (170 bytes , 98reads )
来,口说无凭   (173 bytes , 80reads )
+1. 田七   (0 bytes , 125reads )
我一师兄好像是里面的director 多萝西tt   (38 bytes , 136reads )
你说的是Han学长吗? 不告诉你   (2 bytes , 107reads )
哇,求联系方式,顺便了解了解行业。 Takuto   (0 bytes , 102reads )
不管叫做什么名字,本质上就是卖保险的。 不告诉你   (24 bytes , 124reads )
卖保险能学到啥呢? Takuto   (0 bytes , 114reads )
可以大幅提高EQ 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 111reads )
除了能学到保险知识以外 不告诉你   (551 bytes , 139reads )
做精算的友情顶。。 大壮壮   (19 bytes , 150reads )
看来是被忽悠了,今天面试官告诉我,他们卖保险的人均224K per year。 Takuto   (0 bytes , 126reads )
假的,要么就是被平均的 凡人   (0 bytes , 117reads )
某年某月 astro   (159 bytes , 128reads )
点开看了@patrician说的连接后,我觉得她在忽悠。 Takuto   (0 bytes , 122reads )
那个统计。。。 astro   (498 bytes , 127reads )
要看中位数 trim   (0 bytes , 146reads )
http://www.payscale.com/research/SG/[…] patrician   (47 bytes , 138reads )