Exciting opportunity with Rocket Internet
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2012-01-23 01:48  评分:

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hi Friends, Rocket Internet (investor for Groupon, facebook, etc) is building several ventures in South Asia Asia, and are looking for many motivated talents ASAP. This is 1 of the life time opportunity to join a super high quality team (typically ex-McK/BCG/Bain/GS) to build the new e-commerce giant in the region together in super fast speed.

I am listing some of the positions we are looking for:
1) SEM manager: look after the SEM (typically 1 of the largest OPEX items) for Singapore and other SEA countries
2) SEO manager: in charge of optimizing the search engines
3) Display manager: for display marketing
4) CRM/Web analytics manager: know the customer inside out
5) Graphic designer for marketing team: create the best innovative graphics
6) PR/Social media/news letter manager
7) Marketing interns, both part-time and full time
For IT
8) Product manager: be the gate between business and IT development team. This role will look after all the functionalities of IT systems we have (e.g., portal, back-end system, internal search engine, etc)
9) IT manager: similar as product managers, but focusing on particular system.
10) Local developer: we have a central team to develop the common functions for each SEA country. However, we will want to have an experience local developer for Singapore specific functionality.

Please do contact: Chris feng (Chris.feng@rocket-internet.sg) for more information

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Exciting opportunity with Rocket Internet 柳随风   (1426 bytes , 3643reads )
Guys... we are looking for fresh graduate and interns as well.. 柳随风   (52 bytes , 368reads )
能否介绍一下公司本身?和发展愿景什么的? 小二郎   (0 bytes , 232reads )
please contact me.... 柳随风   (0 bytes , 301reads )
这些职位都是在新加坡吗,有没有去上海的? clouds   (0 bytes , 250reads )
thanks guys for your interests and push from many friends. :-) 柳随风   (227 bytes , 514reads )
请问哪些role是需要quant finance/math background的? 谢谢 AXL   (0 bytes , 335reads )
SEM manager 柳随风   (0 bytes , 330reads )
fresh grad可以应征什么role吗? 安沐小恩   (0 bytes , 223reads )
yah.. we recruit as well.. please send me CV as soon as possiable. 柳随风   (0 bytes , 276reads )
还以为你是帮朋友发,仔细看了下才发现原来你已经拉了风投创业了呀,恭喜恭喜 大象   (0 bytes , 339reads )
family first... family first..... 柳随风   (0 bytes , 293reads )
好多老ID……这样的帖子已经不多见了…… trueif   (20 bytes , 224reads )
哇塞,全部是manager的职位耶! sunnylau2   (0 bytes , 199reads )
这个ID忒面善。。。 凡人   (0 bytes , 253reads )
让大家清晰的了解一下楼主的实力 Spring   (45 bytes , 679reads )
高人啊,膜拜一下 victorama   (0 bytes , 231reads )
顶! Spring   (0 bytes , 227reads )
忍不住上来喊一嗓子,这才是真金白银的工作机会呀 庸人   (192 bytes , 543reads )
不过得说一下,Chris同学的这些职位要求都太高了 Spring   (69 bytes , 467reads )
帮顶,连民工都不如的飘过。 呵呵 king   (0 bytes , 217reads )
大部分人抱怨没有好的机会,而不是没有好本事 庸人   (98 bytes , 472reads )
大哥。。我是Analyst... Spring   (24 bytes , 354reads )