Looking for GUI developer
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2010-08-07 14:44

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Job description:

1. This project is on freelance basis. You are free to work from anywhere convenient to you. Based on our assessment, the project (implementation of a Graphical User Interface) can be completed within one month, full-time (unless you can convince us you are really fast).

2. Your task is to design and implement the GUI of an e-trading platform for windows.

3. You can propose the use of commercial GUI libraries to improve the GUI presentation. We will carefully consider your proposal based on the cost and the expected results.

4. Remuneration will be discussed during interview.


1. You Must have about 2 years of software GUI design and development experience in C++ or C++.NET(C++/CLI) using Visual Studios.

2. Excellent fundamental GUI design skills in presentation, layout, composition, color and readability.

3. Able to commit at least one month full-time for the project.

4. Understanding futures and commodities e-trading concept will be an advantage.

5. Prefer candidates proficient in Mandarin.

For pre-evaluation purpose, please email your past relevant project samples (e.g. screenshots) to

gwy_ren@hotmail.com & ffb1981@hotmail.com

Please understand that only shortlist candidates will be contacted

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Looking for GUI developer ffb   (1266 bytes , 1204reads )
你这需求犯不上用C++吧 DSO   (119 bytes , 293reads )
好专业啊,不懂,要不要打杂的? geohh   (0 bytes , 246reads )
补充几点 ffb   (78 bytes , 430reads )
难道是MetaTrader5 之类的? 神剑山庄谢三少   (29 bytes , 399reads )
难道是你?。。。 ffb   (154 bytes , 444reads )