Cisco Investing US$18 Million To Start Singapore Innovation Centre
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2008-12-23 11:48  评分:

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Following previous reports, The Edge Singapore said that Cisco will invest up to US$18 million over the next three years to set up an innovation centre, EPIC@SG (Enabling Platform Innovation Centre) to help retail service providers build and deliver services over Singapore’s Next Gen NBN, once it is up and running in 2012. Developments created by the centre are expected to contribute up to US$150 million to US$270 million in revenue to the economy and create some 1,800 high-value IT jobs by 2015.

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前途茫茫....给点意见吧。 云山   (246 bytes , 1994reads )
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Cisco Investing US$18 Million To Start Singapore Innovation Centre 洋葱头   (502 bytes , 649reads )
洋葱头捎来的真是个好消息。 云山   (54 bytes , 506reads )
推荐你读一本书:Good to Great by Jim Collins 香陵居士   (184 bytes , 649reads )
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硬件:电路设计,结构相关,可生产,可测试性. flyover2010   (48 bytes , 400reads )
惭愧的说一句, 云山   (231 bytes , 729reads )
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哇, 佩服佩服。。。 aspernet   (140 bytes , 562reads )
也许是A某能力强 云山   (23 bytes , 523reads )
嘿嘿,其实你们不知道老A大二开始就在外面没日没夜的OT了 香陵居士   (96 bytes , 477reads )
谢谢longman 的帮忙。 云山   (55 bytes , 492reads )