所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2008-11-19 20:30

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求面经:Citi Bank MA一面 倏然梦   (711 bytes , 2961reads )
在花旗宣布大裁员的当天看到一群人在做第二轮MA面试。。。 大象   (36 bytes , 989reads )
前两天看报纸,NTUC要求DBS 1年内不能招新人 fyer   (0 bytes , 419reads )
这不是搞笑嘛 SIGG+   (83 bytes , 695reads )
Not just citi..ML, UBS the "mortality" rate of 1st yr's graduate is high... Dougan   (211 bytes , 728reads )
i heard the same thing but it's UBS HK caca   (0 bytes , 390reads )
bro, u safe? frpapaya   (28 bytes , 584reads )
进了二面却还没通知时间地点 倏然梦   (375 bytes , 586reads )
还好吧 大象   (267 bytes , 561reads )
我人生中第一次群面。。。 倏然梦   (42 bytes , 464reads )
我参加过一次群面,但不是Citi的 洋葱头   (303 bytes , 518reads )
多谢指教:) 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 276reads )
哇,多谢 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 237reads )
haha, MA面试也与时俱进了啊 parrot   (180 bytes , 498reads )
啊,当年真好,我怕群面T_T 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 291reads )
俺的经验 洋葱头   (149 bytes , 560reads )
o???难道不是group discussion吗? 倏然梦   (128 bytes , 340reads )
今年4月份的事儿吧,当时正是reading week期间 洋葱头   (82 bytes , 281reads )
o???难道说citi每年招两轮MA??? 倏然梦   (24 bytes , 321reads )
once a year, Management Associate position 洋葱头   (52 bytes , 406reads )
明白了,多谢^^ 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 236reads )
一面是HR 布鞋草鞋   (82 bytes , 454reads )
梦mm monk   (61 bytes , 461reads )
PS:您的面经快写啊!大家都等着看呢! 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 249reads )
我觉得 倏然梦   (117 bytes , 402reads )
万恶的银行都在干什么?!! aspernet   (297 bytes , 946reads )
ebanking最好啦。现在很少寄支票了,全部网上交易了。 花心大哥   (0 bytes , 285reads )
近了银行就知道是什么样的人在做Operation 了。呵呵 霸霸   (0 bytes , 355reads )
那家银行啊?CITI还好吧,OCBC换地址也是搞了好几次... Irene   (0 bytes , 339reads )
别生气,申请个on-line statement多好,又方便又环保,再弄个GIRO,一劳永逸 Irene   (0 bytes , 266reads )
您息怒。。。 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 267reads )
不是有很多citi的么?^自由鸟^,大象爷爷,出个面说句话嘛。。。 倏然梦   (12 bytes , 404reads )
不敢班门弄斧 ^自由鸟^   (407 bytes , 788reads )
谢谢mm!那关于cocktail session呢? 倏然梦   (189 bytes , 481reads )
本鸟是公的... ^自由鸟^   (164 bytes , 408reads )
大哥我错了>.< 倏然梦   (10 bytes , 335reads )
555,ms我被默拒了。。。 QQmsn   (23 bytes , 565reads )
Thx!加油! 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 258reads )
我有几个朋友也收到电话了 大眼冬瓜妹   (115 bytes , 662reads )
我不确定是ICG还是GCG啊555太傻了 倏然梦   (358 bytes , 809reads )
不会不会,这种傻事我经常干,呵呵 大眼冬瓜妹   (312 bytes , 425reads )
patpat,大家都加油哈! 倏然梦   (165 bytes , 424reads )
不会不会,这种傻事我经常干,呵呵 大眼冬瓜妹   (312 bytes , 364reads )
wow. congrats. cool pinkhil   (0 bytes , 314reads )
Thx! JJ有什么经验分享么? 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 263reads )
顶mm! vickie   (0 bytes , 276reads )
Thx!加油咯! 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 269reads )
just fyi, su dan is a gg, not mm parrot   (30 bytes , 471reads )
Oh Sorry! So we had two Citi MA that day? I just remembered one girl... 倏然梦   (90 bytes , 406reads )
upup 倏然梦   (0 bytes , 277reads )