some of my experiences...
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2008-10-04 20:38  评分:

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I have done some internships related to business development & marketing, here are some of my thoughts:
1. business development is very strategic position and it requires a lot of experiences/ research into the market. You have to know every aspect about the business, watch your competitors daily and be alert what is happening in the space you are competing. On top of that, you need to think "what's next" every minute as it affects where the business goes. In a nutshell, you will be the one deciding : the competitive advantages (and how to maintain), differentiation, etc... not easy to do and u will learn a lot along the way...

2. marketing is not a " Qing chun Fan"; Brilliant marketing compaigns is a holistic project around the whole brand image. just look at how Apple works, their colors, their ideas ( haha ,my all time favorite...); Those are not easy... and it does require a DEEP understanding of the market (consumer behavior,who you are trying to target, why are they buying into your ads, etc)and how the system works ( eg. in Singapore,which companies you should go to if you want to put a bus ad and what their costs are); Obviously, your analytical skills are crucial in decision making in the area.


Hope you will like the industry and like what you are doing; :-)

[cannot type chinese on school computer... getting tired now... ] FYP is going to kill me...

ruby on rails developer-to-be
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哈哈,你太有趣了。也很谢谢你 董叶   (313 bytes , 418reads )
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大家的发言太有帮助了!我真是好感激! 董叶   (346 bytes , 412reads )
[提示] 该主题违反版规或内容不当已被屏蔽, 如有疑问请去《意见公告版》投诉.  (4013 bytes , 903reads )
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超级佩服closercc也好谢谢你! 董叶   (366 bytes , 451reads )
小问题:engineering或是技术背景必须吗? 董叶   (366 bytes , 442reads )
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非常非常感谢Jj 和自由鸟的答案 董叶   (580 bytes , 447reads )
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