所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2008-09-06 02:05

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职场遇险,诚心请教大家. yang0196   (2709 bytes , 2130reads )
I feels better dont work under an indian boss~" walktree   (87 bytes , 397reads )
望楼主排除艰难,化险为夷,平步青云! liupeng   (0 bytes , 311reads )
窃以为适当的为自己发彪的事情道歉也是一种以退为进的策略及个人专业表现。 liupeng   (175 bytes , 387reads )
尽量用邮件,在你英语口语能力不足的现状下 辰星   (357 bytes , 489reads )
cc给老板的老板,这样合适吗?尤其他还是新人。 liupeng   (0 bytes , 345reads )
my suggestion pinkhil   (88 bytes , 472reads )
为什么用了这么养眼的化名 aspernet   (6 bytes , 419reads )
First of all, improve your English. 香陵居士   (1657 bytes , 1099reads )
同意duck的说法 大象   (452 bytes , 916reads )
我是新人,对他的工作不了解 yang0196   (243 bytes , 539reads )
典型的新人 AGA   (577 bytes , 439reads )
对于这个情况,你可以给他邮件,要求他把要转接的事项列条款 辰星   (266 bytes , 496reads )
那只有你自己主动 大象   (269 bytes , 473reads )
建议很正确 云山   (23 bytes , 401reads )
就事论事 duck   (665 bytes , 884reads )
Thanks for your kind advice yang0196   (1028 bytes , 744reads )
then you just ask him or your boss to provide a list to hand-over duck   (45 bytes , 611reads )