My friend thanks to those who sent resumes to him, but
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2007-04-04 10:06

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
he wants to apologize for not mentioning that this position is for experienced developers only. The main focus is strong MSSQL desgining background.

The following skills are essential:

• Experience of the following stages of developing a database:
o Requirements analysis
o Design
o Modelling
o Build

• SQL / T-SQL, including the following areas:
o Designing and scripting tables and views
o Managing indexes
o Working with transactions
o Using SQL permissions
o Experience of working with transactions
o Scripting triggers
o Scripting functions
o Creating ad-hoc queries
o Debugging

• Solid understanding and use of DTS/SSIS packages, including scripting within the package
• Experience of data cleansing (e.g. de-duping)
• Experience of data migration (including the use of DTS/SSIS)
• SQL Performance tuning.
• Use of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
• Experience of working with XML both as an input data source, and producing it as an output
• Implementation experience
• Experience of working with Web Developers


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