银行求职经历(5)standard chartered - international graduate program
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2007-01-12 20:59  评分:

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申请表上8道250字open ended question啊!!我的天。虽说是<250字,写5个字也行。可是作为一个有诚意的申请者,我个人认为<250意思就是200-250字。这时已经有好些同学拿到offer了,我也认识到自己既不是牛人又没有走大运这个事实,不会想着非IB不去了。很早的时候注册了选了risk,后来想改IT,可惜没法改,只好硬着头皮填下去。又是SHL test。还有个talent test,有个学长说面试不能骗人,网上心理测验哪怕骗人也一定要填最好的。我遵照他的话去做,顺利通过,拿到面试。


How to define success in the Internation Graduate Program.
Are you good at presentation? How to see whether your presentation is effective?
how to deal with your life if assigned to oversea offices?
How to deal with changes to achieve success.
How to define a good team.
How to prioritize things when you have several tasks to complete?
Do you like to work under pressure?
Will your friends help you just because they like you? Give an example.
How to present professionally before clients?
Should you treat every client equally?

以后去面的同学就按上面的url里面的准备吧 :)可惜我看到的时候已经太迟了。



在最开始的那一秒 有些事早已经注定要到老
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
我也写写06下半年到现在的银行求职经历 昨是今非旧时光   (1382 bytes , 6114reads )
登陆顶! aspernet   (0 bytes , 266reads )
百忙之中。。。 aspernet   (0 bytes , 226reads )
什么时候也能拿到offer,偶一定要感激mm,写的真好呀, blueblue   (0 bytes , 349reads )
lz, 你愿意嫁给我吗 飞黄腾达   (0 bytes , 570reads )
@@ 昨是今非旧时光   (91 bytes , 973reads )
你没看到人家已经有男友了么? zbuffer   (0 bytes , 354reads )
偶不能不说 梅花宝剑   (37 bytes , 999reads )
JP Morgan ib   (56 bytes , 1380reads )
JP Morgan笔试 ib   (40 bytes , 969reads )
偶拿到了, blueblue   (14 bytes , 812reads )
good luck!~我没收到哇,果然被鄙视了 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 494reads )
写得很好! Daizi   (0 bytes , 382reads )
真得很羡慕 mcdull_mcmug   (146 bytes , 705reads )
mm啊,不要给自己太大压力 昨是今非旧时光   (961 bytes , 632reads )
好羡慕lz mm blueblue   (80 bytes , 706reads )
me too啊,难为我对scb一片痴心。。@@ 昨是今非旧时光   (14 bytes , 650reads )
mm写的真好..顶一下.. AXL   (0 bytes , 325reads )
问一个问题。。。 碧海蓝天   (53 bytes , 760reads )
貌似是的。。@@ 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 382reads )
昨是今非旧时光 是 w. yue? zbuffer   (0 bytes , 425reads )
感觉确实很像 Winsome   (30 bytes , 440reads )
忍不住说一句:wy mm和她gg都是我很佩服的人呐!! 昨是今非旧时光   (70 bytes , 747reads )
nod nod~~ Winsome   (20 bytes , 402reads )
不是 周星驰   (0 bytes , 283reads )
偶觉得你更适合做秘书 梅花宝剑   (157 bytes , 741reads )
你说得很有道理啊。。尤其是“决策不足”。。@@ 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 348reads )
lz强的。。 machilus   (33 bytes , 425reads )
银行求职经历(9-完)总结+其他 昨是今非旧时光   (1373 bytes , 3232reads )
多谢mm分享宝贵经验。。。 乒乒乓乓   (110 bytes , 435reads )
我作证楼主长得很可爱 仙流命   (97 bytes , 589reads )
我作证mm你真是心肠好哇 :) 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 296reads )
找工作要费这么多心思 小土   (74 bytes , 691reads )
银行求职经历(8)那些彻底鄙视我的银行及其他金融机构 昨是今非旧时光   (1276 bytes , 2291reads )
银行求职经历(7)DBS - risk 昨是今非旧时光   (4245 bytes , 2757reads )
这。。 昨是今非旧时光   (100 bytes , 556reads )
支持! ib   (107 bytes , 448reads )
是个值得恭喜的offer呀! 仙流命   (91 bytes , 550reads )
If ML offer you IT.. Dougan   (227 bytes , 752reads )
红桃鼓励 大象   (0 bytes , 273reads )
good... frpapaya   (0 bytes , 256reads )
银行求职经历(6)merrill lynch - GTI 昨是今非旧时光   (6158 bytes , 3431reads )
Cat同学 Crystalplane   (25 bytes , 603reads )
无限感谢啊 ^_^ 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 313reads )
楼主还没有提到拿到offer那两家的经验吧? ib   (0 bytes , 291reads )
通常银行怎么发拒信啊 bluebaby   (64 bytes , 510reads )
nowadays, no news is indeed bad news. Economist   (0 bytes , 340reads )
人为刀殂,我为鱼肉 zbuffer   (0 bytes , 278reads )
顶~~~ Crystalplane   (58 bytes , 549reads )
快了快了。。我有预感。。 昨是今非旧时光   (52 bytes , 423reads )
这位MM,你拿到 merill lynch 的 offer? zbuffer   (0 bytes , 327reads )
银行求职经历(5)standard chartered - international graduate program 昨是今非旧时光   (2140 bytes , 2463reads )
银行求职经历(4)DBS - Management Associate 昨是今非旧时光   (1688 bytes , 2313reads )
DBS.. Dougan   (108 bytes , 660reads )
what do you mean by NO 1 in B Share market? zbuffer   (43 bytes , 375reads )
go and take a look what happened before 97, frpapaya   (49 bytes , 395reads )
never heard, can give some reference article? zbuffer   (0 bytes , 302reads )
Ya, I do think their strategy got problem.. Dougan   (172 bytes , 472reads )
两个月后才发现错怪她了,为什末呢? waqq   (0 bytes , 406reads )
只是一种写作手法 夜色温柔   (0 bytes , 303reads )
银行求职经历(3)barclays capital-risk 昨是今非旧时光   (1127 bytes , 2753reads )
o..risk那个我知道是谁进了。 Economist   (28 bytes , 647reads )
Barcap require highly experience graduates for IT 香陵居士   (162 bytes , 886reads )
this can be misleading 周星驰   (423 bytes , 626reads )
Nice, thanks for the info 香陵居士   (97 bytes , 446reads )
ic. then good luck to risk-managers-to-be juniors~ 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 349reads )
难道merrill AC的时候见过? flylife   (28 bytes , 574reads )
不知道哇。。 昨是今非旧时光   (160 bytes , 466reads )
那就是不同的AC group了,我是在Heathrow的,3个PRC flylife   (111 bytes , 527reads )
那就是不同的AC group了,我是在Heathrow的,3个PRC, 2NUS(SOC, ENG), 1NTU flylife   (112 bytes , 494reads )
scb很久没理我啦,你比较强,明天good luck! 昨是今非旧时光   (82 bytes , 385reads )
Thank you :-) flylife   (186 bytes , 464reads )
一面?那 昨是今非旧时光   (179 bytes , 403reads )
嗯,多谢楼主 flylife   (142 bytes , 412reads )
刚发现 昨是今非旧时光   (72 bytes , 380reads )
嗯,对的 flylife   (81 bytes , 363reads )
scb还在一面? ib   (19 bytes , 330reads )
遗憾,难怪我申请merril lynch 被拒。那是我第一次搞这种面试,没有前奏。晕死了 zbuffer   (0 bytes , 392reads )
熟能生巧。。没事,还有机会。。morgan stanley月底来career talk。。 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 402reads )
楼主最后是去哪家银行呢? ib   (0 bytes , 317reads )
还没签。。。 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 373reads )
赞! youtube   (22 bytes , 402reads )
顶! Economist   (38 bytes , 532reads )
拿offer快而精的人才值得羡慕呐~ @@ 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 306reads )
银行求职经历(2)credit suisse-product control 昨是今非旧时光   (2434 bytes , 3730reads )
草莓甜心mm进 倏然梦   (42 bytes , 281reads )
谢谢妹妹挖料! 草莓甜心   (27 bytes , 243reads )
Hi, mm, 你的Standard Chartered一面后有消息吗? waqq   (0 bytes , 384reads )
谁有starndard chartered的消息? ib   (0 bytes , 300reads )
HR说1月发二面通知。。没说发不发拒信。我还没消息 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 386reads )