N rounds of one-to-one interviews
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-12-16 09:57  评分:

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How Barclays Hire People Dougan   (136 bytes , 1794reads )
N rounds of one-to-one interviews 屁仙   (136 bytes , 782reads )
haha..i think that' bcoz nobody wanna make the decision AXL   (47 bytes , 592reads )
但是Barclays招进取的人好像都不怎么地? 屁仙   (68 bytes , 850reads )
你说的“那个女的“ 绿松石   (254 bytes , 592reads )
first class + exchange的人不要太多哦~~ AXL   (0 bytes , 458reads )
是很多。但在NUS SCIENCE 就不多。 youtube   (0 bytes , 433reads )
不是啊 AXL   (137 bytes , 519reads )
DISAGREE! youtube   (71 bytes , 569reads )
做presentation还背稿子。。。太不自然了。。。 Crystalplane   (0 bytes , 628reads )
看做什么position咯 AXL   (122 bytes , 537reads )
中国男篮似乎都不怎么样? 周星驰   (72 bytes , 441reads )
well.. 绿松石   (36 bytes , 637reads )
as far as i know, barcap is extremely difficult to enter blueblue   (30 bytes , 651reads )
Barclays tends to hire those... 绿松石   (176 bytes , 877reads )
绿松石为什么会有这种想法,有什么事实依据吗? 屁仙   (0 bytes , 337reads )
agree 周星驰   (28 bytes , 540reads )
dun agree 心痛失败   (386 bytes , 585reads )
啊,我也申的risk @@ 后悔啊~ 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 398reads )