This is how chances can be wasted...
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-10-02 23:40

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
It is never unprofessional to make this call. Be dedicated to your career and take every chance to know your drawbacks and improve it is a very professional behavior.

Try to do it in this way,
1. Find out the interviewer's namecard and give him a PERSONAL call instead of a business call; take him as a mentor in your career rather than interviewer. Never call the number in the reject letter or found on the company website. (If you don't have his name card, give up the idea of calling and ask for one next time.)
2. Mention something special in your interview so that the interviewer can recall whom you are. (If you really can not find one, don't call.)
3. Organize your words so that it gives people a impression of you are looking for points to improve yourself, instead of challenging their decision.
4. Write a email to show your appreciation after the call.

If you are a fresh graudate and already rejected. You really got nothing more to lose with this company. If you called, the interviewer may tell you frankly your significant problem which you never ever pay attention to. So don't be afraid of those who thinks you are unprofessional and lose a precious chance to improve yourself.

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 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
关于Barclays Capital analyst online application 绿松石   (265 bytes , 3248reads )
For those who are preparing for tele-interview/face to face interview www华新   (753 bytes , 575reads )
有人做了tele-interview么? share一下吧 bored   (35 bytes , 445reads )
from phone interview with other IBs... youtube   (144 bytes , 709reads )
1st round就问这些? ropin   (0 bytes , 337reads )
不同部门要求不一样。 youtube   (164 bytes , 472reads )
收到email了... bored   (314 bytes , 732reads )
强人! 绿松石   (56 bytes , 450reads )
俺的tele-interview 还没做呢。。。 bored   (45 bytes , 441reads )
u apply for which deparment? blueblue   (23 bytes , 375reads )
u for perm position or internship? AXL   (0 bytes , 365reads )
嗨,请问你们做的那个test都是些什么题目阿? leokama   (40 bytes , 331reads )
numeric n verbal, no need business background de 昨是今非旧时光   (0 bytes , 304reads )
今天收到回信,就一句话 bored   (126 bytes , 1039reads )
seems you applied to another division is it? ropin   (156 bytes , 537reads )
Do you guys apply management trainee program? anyone get offer? fishlittle   (51 bytes , 582reads )
Has anyone got interview from barclays? blueblue   (0 bytes , 318reads )
if i am not wrong, barcap only interviews after app closed 周星驰   (0 bytes , 309reads )
诚问,填Barclays Capital online appl. 时, 第一项, career choice 咋填? 谢了! Ehime   (0 bytes , 308reads )
我也想问这个问题, ahning   (112 bytes , 399reads )
你得说的具体一点才知道怎么帮你。。 绿松石   (96 bytes , 356reads )
请问,考了多久之后才会收到这封信啊 昨是今非旧时光   (54 bytes , 539reads )
for online tests, 绿松石   (66 bytes , 569reads )
如果是考后10分钟就收到信的话,应该是online test做得不好 珈珞   (81 bytes , 560reads )
哦?是这样吗? 绿松石   (201 bytes , 493reads )
It is just a binary test 周星驰   (258 bytes , 437reads )
我也是星期天做的耶,现在除了那封confirm我做完了叫我等等之外的email外还没回复 昨是今非旧时光   (32 bytes , 456reads )
那就对了。。。 绿松石   (83 bytes , 461reads )
觉得你很可能有希望啊? 绿松石   (22 bytes , 370reads )
感觉不难,不过这种事情要看percentile的吧。到现在还没收到任何东西。。@@ 昨是今非旧时光   (87 bytes , 384reads )
sure...keep update here! +oil~ 绿松石   (0 bytes , 284reads )
got telephone interview le 昨是今非旧时光   (25 bytes , 364reads )
Relax, friend David_123   (257 bytes , 506reads )
现在申请还来得及马? caca   (0 bytes , 271reads )
Deadline is 30 Nov... 绿松石   (10 bytes , 343reads )
xiexie! caca   (70 bytes , 303reads )
it means nothing but rejection 邓可   (56 bytes , 508reads )
哦,那下次我来问你一下好了。 灌装椰子泪泪   (0 bytes , 221reads )
It is simply a generic rejection letter, does not mean much 知非   (0 bytes , 304reads )
我只是想知道他们为什么拒我。。 绿松石   (122 bytes , 540reads )
a rejection is quite common simon   (637 bytes , 441reads )
hehe...thx for that...nowadays seldom see u online msn leh.. 绿松石   (0 bytes , 410reads )
没意义吧。难得见到你这样的applicant :) ropin   (0 bytes , 250reads )
各种原因都有可能 Economist   (139 bytes , 462reads )
我想他们是不会告诉你的 AXL   (133 bytes , 425reads )
Pick up the phone, call them and ask 香陵居士   (55 bytes , 441reads )
yah..guess i should do that...thx 绿松石   (0 bytes , 284reads )
Don't waste your time, it is meaningless slamu   (348 bytes , 517reads )
hmmmph... 绿松石   (156 bytes , 455reads )
This is how chances can be wasted... 香陵居士   (1210 bytes , 419reads )
Thanx for ur advice...but 绿松石   (132 bytes , 403reads )
what position you applied? 老夫聊发少年狂   (0 bytes , 375reads )
Product Control under Finance... 绿松石   (18 bytes , 507reads )
i am thinking about technology and credit risk, which one easier to apply? blueblue   (178 bytes , 381reads )
Dozens of friends working on credit risk, none says it is of fun. David_123   (0 bytes , 372reads )
That's true. I have to read paper from time to time. Professor   (145 bytes , 446reads )
That is one part of credit risk. David_123   (543 bytes , 430reads )
I would say technology is easier for engineers 绿松石   (224 bytes , 390reads )
as long as it involves risk AXL   (20 bytes , 441reads )