Stay in Singapore, provided that :
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-06-27 15:37  评分:

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If you like a bilingual society, which requires some sentences spoken in English while others in Chinese. The difficult part is that you have to know which of them should be in English and which of them should be in Chinese.

If you have extraordinary control over your pronunciation in both Chinese and English if still want to speak either of them like a native speaker.

If you do not plan to have kids. It may be difficult for you to accept the truth that they end up speaking the above-mentioned language.

If you are very confident that you can switch jobs among the 3 universities and a handful companies in Singapore.

If you can stand the stressful life style that basically consists of work and sleep.

If you do not care for the fact that with S$60,000 you can buy a nice car in US and an ordinary one in Singapore.

If you are not interested in on-line shopping since it normally require you stay in the States.

If you love a place of only summer.

If you do not have wild dreams that never happen among 4 million people and 585 square kilometers.

All or nothing.
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