80K Singapore$?? That's really a very good annual package for fresh graduate
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-05-03 15:10

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looks too good to be true

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请问有没有熟悉GIC这家公司的? starter   (172 bytes , 4019reads )
1.据说bonus 有高达12个月工资的时候 2。从清华直接招的fresh graduate 能给8万 nusstat   (26 bytes , 1132reads )
这个据说真像我说的 雨虹   (85 bytes , 576reads )
80K Singapore$?? That's really a very good annual package for fresh graduate Qingger   (25 bytes , 768reads )
One graduate from my batch earns 11K per month as a fresh grad ffkiller   (48 bytes , 877reads )
11k...you better ask him to come here introducing his experience to us :P Qingger   (16 bytes , 665reads )
I'd love to, but... ffkiller   (157 bytes , 718reads )
那是一个美国的offer吧?MS的engineer差不多都有60-70k USD一年吧. 大象   (0 bytes , 425reads )
估计是美国的,不过偶认识一个去MS总部的一年也就6万多USD ffkiller   (0 bytes , 317reads )
此间"trader"可是lky 神经兮兮   (14 bytes , 550reads )
前段时间的确是在北大,清华,复旦招人,也在新加坡的JC对中国奖学金学生 Rick   (21 bytes , 799reads )
比较像投行,frontdesk 的待遇和JPMorgan, Deutsche不相上下,middle Mimimoon   (157 bytes , 1441reads )
好像没有传闻的那么高。。。 削竹   (160 bytes , 1010reads )
Thank you! starter   (392 bytes , 658reads )
I'm looking for some position in financial investment starter   (122 bytes , 568reads )
The associate position is a very good program which you will be rotated Mimimoon   (204 bytes , 634reads )
errr...maybe you can let me know which area of jobs are you looking at?? Mimimoon   (0 bytes , 479reads )
新加坡政府投资公司,把CPF的钱拿去投资。在中国房地产市场比较活跃。 scm   (0 bytes , 398reads )
超难进吧 里面人跳槽了都去麦肯锡的…… 我是笨笨   (0 bytes , 604reads )
errr... but i think the business nature of GIC and mckinsey Rick   (132 bytes , 855reads )
Mckinsey很多practice area ffkiller   (56 bytes , 532reads )
There is corporate finance practice (CF) in McKinsey 柳随风   (101 bytes , 629reads )
agree.... 我是笨笨   (92 bytes , 525reads )