所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-03-05 12:25

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异族代言人 The most unpleasant thing about human beings is that they don't metamorphose. Your people and mine are born as grubs, but we transform ourselves into a higher form before we reproduce. Human beings remain grubs all their lives.-- 《Xenocide》
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偶再来抛砖 - 最近的做工心得 FoxFire   (1439 bytes , 2890reads )
然后希望引引玉... FoxFire   (681 bytes , 998reads )
偶朋友公司的一个同事也是这样的,而且更过分。 longman   (805 bytes , 1590reads )
I think it may be viewed in another way 香陵居士   (840 bytes , 868reads )
显然是 门中木   (23 bytes , 456reads )
我的朋友是第一种情况 longman   (152 bytes , 580reads )
interesting, there are a lot of such person in local companies 大象   (284 bytes , 785reads )
最好不要在众人面前指责你的同事。。。 老火锅   (362 bytes , 687reads )
大象叔叔, 如果你在偶的位置上呢? FoxFire   (338 bytes , 680reads )
Why not be more active in presenting yourself? 香陵居士   (493 bytes , 573reads )
大象叔叔...faint... frpapaya   (0 bytes , 354reads )
9494,明明是大象爷爷嘛~~~~ Climbing   (0 bytes , 317reads )
公司大不大? 削竹   (150 bytes , 691reads )
说起来还不算小 FoxFire   (147 bytes , 666reads )
agree. also, think western companies are much better than local or chinese SOE parrot   (0 bytes , 422reads )
not necessarily. many times people in small chinese companies are nice 柠檬绿茶2代   (0 bytes , 381reads )
aya, i said "also", i.e., other than small companies... parrot   (0 bytes , 333reads )
这是什么公司呀,这么辛苦…… 不告诉你   (0 bytes , 363reads )
实习都被扫地的autie欺负 realtwo   (141 bytes , 838reads )
下次他来收垃圾,帮忙倒一下,顺便抱怨一下乱丢垃圾的人,结果可能会有很大不同哦 老火锅   (0 bytes , 359reads )
偶公司的antie很好的 FoxFire   (62 bytes , 524reads )
哈哈,每天都对auntie热情打招呼。。。 明月楼   (53 bytes , 436reads )