所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2006-01-22 14:39

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怎么没有人写写自己的工作故事和经验呢.. 偶来抛砖引玉一下 FoxFire   (1025 bytes , 2063reads )
good point. thanks for sharing! 小蹦   (0 bytes , 281reads )
very good point 绿豆芽   (391 bytes , 767reads )
相处时间久了就好了 noway   (32 bytes , 425reads )
公司是赚取利润的地方 梅花宝剑   (647 bytes , 624reads )
多谢指教 绿豆芽   (339 bytes , 510reads )
幼稚是一种美丽 梅花宝剑   (16 bytes , 454reads )
没关系的 va   (65 bytes , 459reads )
话是这么说 绿豆芽   (296 bytes , 378reads )
take it easy FoxFire   (322 bytes , 480reads )
多谢安慰 绿豆芽   (94 bytes , 320reads )
easy! tommmy   (80 bytes , 423reads )
我试试看吧 绿豆芽   (63 bytes , 388reads )
为什么要那么计较别人的情绪? 梅花宝剑   (24 bytes , 357reads )
Don't worry tommmy   (62 bytes , 339reads )
maybe she's jealous that you're getting on well with the others.. 小蹦   (113 bytes , 483reads )
多谢安慰 绿豆芽   (24 bytes , 299reads )
同样的疑惑,请大家指点 realtwo   (20 bytes , 445reads )
good sharing! 知非   (0 bytes , 288reads )