笑眯眯: Dependant's Pass Application 材料大全
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Dependant's Pass Application 材料大全
by: 笑眯眯

A copy of duly completed Form 12 (Dependant's Pass Application Form). A local sponsor (a well-established Singapore-registered company, normally the employer of the Employment Pass holder) is required for the application. Both the applicant and an authorised officer from the sponsoring company must sign the form. For children below 12 years old, one of the parents is required to sign on their behalf. The form should also be endorsed with the company's stamp / seal;

A copy of the official Marriage Certificate (applicable for spouse applying for Dependant's Pass)

A copy of the children's official Birth Certificates showing both the parents' names and the child's name (applicable for children applying for Dependant's Passes);

A copy of the children's official Adoption Order or Document (applicable for legally adopted children applying for Dependant's Passes);

A recent passport-sized photograph of the applicant taken within the last three months. No photograph is required for children below 12 years old; and

A copy of the Travel Document page showing the applicant's personal particulars.

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