请教关于student pass. 急. 谢谢.
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2005-08-23 20:40

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我刚刚转成了part-time student, 却被告知要去ICA撤销我的学生签证. 问题是我现在还没有拿到工作offer, 所以我还不想去取消我的学生签证. 请问, 学校会告知ICA我的这个情况吗? 我需要马上去撤销签证吗? 谢谢.

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请教关于student pass. 急. 谢谢. iconfused   (193 bytes , 1154reads )
2 methods spss   (239 bytes , 572reads )
错误的知识比无知更可怕!!!!!!! why11   (151 bytes , 764reads )
请问why11. 请进: iconfused   (218 bytes , 524reads )
basially, you have to do it yourself. 笑眯眯   (129 bytes , 580reads )
svp if no job 笑眯眯   (82 bytes , 404reads )
还有个问题. iconfused   (98 bytes , 454reads )
you can contact Registry Office ASAP to ask suggestion from them, and dulce   (270 bytes , 584reads )
i think you have to check with ICA, but do pls ensure that you have legal stay 笑眯眯   (104 bytes , 402reads )