audit and tax abt the same
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2005-06-30 15:32

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
fresh grad gets 2k, 1 year later 2.4, another yr later 2.8~2.9, then usually 3.3~3.5, then ~~ then if you still survive the days and you are good at the trade, your career will soar.

My info was abt 1, 2 years old, when i was looking for a job. (pray for the better, but it could be worse)

PS: now even in the big fours, promotion is not automatic but merit-based; bonus is seldom over 2 months for most juniors for the past few years. Good thing is due to long hours worked, there are fridge benefits and claimable expenses.

The exposure in big fours is far better than most accountancy firms, however. To be an auditor or follow the accountancy line, big fours are good companies to start with.

You may also consider risk management, special audit (including IT audit, forensic etc.)

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Looking for a bank job. 邓可   (49 bytes , 2892reads )
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though i am not, but i may answer your questions 邓可   (24 bytes , 447reads )
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yes they do hire people from any nation 邓可   (329 bytes , 495reads )
Thank you! I am a PR and taking a conversion program from engineering to master 平江摄政   (195 bytes , 475reads )
请问 “平江摄政”, 你怎么从engineer转成professional acounting得阿? 红茶   (111 bytes , 315reads )
---> 平江摄政   (182 bytes , 547reads )
我在网站上没找到具体for accounting得阿,SMU的我找到了 红茶   (112 bytes , 280reads )
------> 平江摄政   (31 bytes , 357reads )
NUS的Research Program接受GRE。但现在很少招Master了,大多招PhD。 scm   (0 bytes , 350reads )
再问 红茶   (73 bytes , 267reads )
-------> 平江摄政   (123 bytes , 346reads )
to give an honest opinion... 邓可   (149 bytes , 640reads )
Agree. 月薪到两千,加班到两点。不值呀! scm   (0 bytes , 232reads )
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Thanks a lot for the deliberation! 平江摄政   (0 bytes , 249reads )
i think B4 should be glad to employ chinese graduates here 海风   (170 bytes , 524reads )
help!how to apply big 4? wensheng   (96 bytes , 261reads )
对。有两朋友在四大,时常回国出差。 scm   (58 bytes , 396reads )
Should I apply them straightaway after graduation or apply after getting a CPA 平江摄政   (46 bytes , 327reads )
corp finance 邓可   (66 bytes , 511reads )
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to all guys who contacted me ~ we usually take in ppl with background 邓可   (80 bytes , 487reads )
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