所在版块:他乡故知 发贴时间:2020-12-10 15:38

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Publicly-Funded Autonomous Universities
Singapore’s university education prepares students not only for today’s world but also for a world where there will be jobs that have yet to be invented and challenges not yet foreseen.

There are currently six autonomous universities in Singapore. Together, they provide a wide range of academic, research, work-learn and student life options to cater to students’ diverse interests and learning styles, both inside and outside of the classroom. The six universities are:

Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
National University of Singapore (NUS)
Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)
Singapore Management University (SMU)
Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)

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[提示] 该主题违反版规或内容不当已被屏蔽, 如有疑问请去《意见公告版》投诉. 燕柳杨   (190 bytes , 2465reads )
关键是专业和职业 andy99   (61 bytes , 24reads )
阿姨您女儿知道你在网上这样建相亲群吗? date123   (96 bytes , 23reads )
您们的误会我都笑喷了 燕柳杨   (44 bytes , 50reads )
所以相亲群是干嘛的? 熊维妮   (64 bytes , 24reads )
你们都是怎么看出来 bobo1318   (42 bytes , 17reads )
这下看明白了 cking   (21 bytes , 23reads )
华新上真是三天两头就作一顿妖 futing189   (13 bytes , 24reads )
嗯嗯 nuspigsty   (10 bytes , 14reads )
成龙大哥捐的"文物"还在SUTD里面呢 andy99   (34 bytes , 11reads )
SUTD打着跟麻省理工合作的牌子呢 andy99   (142 bytes , 81reads )
SMU和SUTD半斤八两吧 SuperEgg20   (14 bytes , 20reads )
SMU比SUTD强太多了 燕柳杨   (55 bytes , 29reads )
令千金是SMU的? Tekkamanman   (0 bytes , 21reads )
层主厉害了 秋天树叶   (39 bytes , 17reads )
你这好比上海财大和哈工大比较 andy99   (87 bytes , 18reads )
美加澳本科也有很多野鸡学校 要不列个白名单出来? cking   (22 bytes , 18reads )
野鸡大学逃不过我的法眼 燕柳杨   (42 bytes , 22reads )
再忍不住说几句,阿姨眼界未免太狭隘了些 futing189   (530 bytes , 35reads )
我觉得吧 tale   (46 bytes , 26reads )
我是义务服务群友的 燕柳杨   (8 bytes , 23reads )
饶有兴致地google了一下,免费帮你能更好地服务高大上的相亲群里的群友 gobackC   (791 bytes , 34reads )
你心里没数? 燕柳杨   (32 bytes , 29reads )
我这里也有个裙 医药法规   (74 bytes , 20reads )
这是才是高端群呀。求分享 南冰   (0 bytes , 24reads )
建议阿姨 futing189   (306 bytes , 17reads )
非诚勿扰啊 秋天树叶   (24 bytes , 14reads )
西太平洋大学毕业的 秋天树叶   (16 bytes , 17reads )
啧啧啧 熊维妮   (18 bytes , 16reads )
有学历就高端啊。 大力出奇迹   (0 bytes , 14reads )
学历是硬性指标 燕柳杨   (46 bytes , 19reads )
欧,都有群了?这样公布下都是哪个名牌大学,也让下里巴人知难而退 大力出奇迹   (0 bytes , 14reads )
本地几所公立大学 阿姨? 功夫瞎猫   (0 bytes , 13reads )
本地三所公立本科 燕柳杨   (11 bytes , 14reads )
gobackC   (49 bytes , 40reads )
抱歉啊 燕柳杨   (12 bytes , 28reads )
我就想说SMU是私立的大学 ccrystal   (10 bytes , 18reads )
小小建议 gobackC   (141 bytes , 19reads )
国外本科是指美、加、澳和英本科 燕柳杨   (140 bytes , 23reads )