所在版块:他乡故知 发贴时间:2016-11-05 08:04  更多评分:

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男生看女生确实一般看颜值加身材,但女生看男生更注重别的。我读到一些恋爱专家的文章说他收到很多相貌英俊男生的询问信,抱怨说为什么自己这么英俊却勾搭不到妹纸,为什么有的男生颜值低身边的妹纸却很漂亮,觉得肯定对方是富二代而女生都贪图富贵。Recently, a guy contacted me and asked, “Dan, I’m good looking, but can’t get a girlfriend. I don’t get it. Why do so many ugly, fat guys get hot girlfriends but I can’t? People tell me I’m good looking, but women just aren’t interested in me. Why? Why can’t I get a girlfriend?”
Most women (not all) don’t select a guy purely based on his looks.

Most women are seeking more important, useful traits in a man such as confidence, charisma, the ability to make her laugh, the potential to do well in life, the ability to make her feel girly in response to his masculinity and the ability to be respected by other men and get along with people in general.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
约会什么的,其实都是看脸 ♂龍泉☺   (710 bytes , 11175reads )
符合条件 Newtimes   (14 bytes , 45reads )
确实看脸 ethan12345   (0 bytes , 67reads )
只看颜值的话,说明你们弱爆了 Justin2015   (77 bytes , 55reads )
不太同意 朵朵樱桃   (1124 bytes , 76reads )
没约会过。。。但有女票了 风手   (52 bytes , 108reads )
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炫耀贴... 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 66reads )
所以lz还是单身么?哈哈~ loveice   (157 bytes , 65reads )
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说的好轻松啊 ano601   (20 bytes , 103reads )
我怎么觉得这些都不重要 blueelf   (189 bytes , 88reads )
一只眼看眼,一只眼看胸的打酱油 dnegel   (67 bytes , 78reads )
总结的精辟啊, 高人 vian   (0 bytes , 75reads )
最重要的是干净 林生   (24 bytes , 88reads )
这里约会是指相亲第一次见面吧   (24 bytes , 88reads )
为什么这个帖子里所有的回复都很诡异…… 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 80reads )
请问不看脸 piaopiao6732   (164 bytes , 77reads )
见面之前 ♂龍泉☺   (317 bytes , 83reads )
我怎么就找不到太老实的男人… piaopiao6732   (30 bytes , 83reads )
太老实的男人很可能是深度宅 南洋暴雪   (0 bytes , 72reads )
所以 piaopiao6732   (26 bytes , 78reads )
哈哈 sanjay_sg   (28 bytes , 89reads )
在我看来 ♂龍泉☺   (45 bytes , 70reads )
这就是个看脸的世界 cy88888   (18 bytes , 128reads )
真理 mysun   (56 bytes , 126reads )
absolutely right~ 阿西吧   (0 bytes , 97reads )
很认同 breezee   (106 bytes , 110reads )
好浪费。。。。 同感 。。。 小寒   (0 bytes , 110reads )
lz约会经验丰富 小寒   (103 bytes , 121reads )
努力提升颜值和气质 呼啦笑   (105 bytes , 54reads )
颜值低靠气质 依米   (42 bytes , 71reads )
还是颜值比较重要 muxig1980   (0 bytes , 60reads )
攒钱,去韩国 滚雪球   (84 bytes , 71reads )
刀疤也有个过渡期 hdeksa   (10 bytes , 90reads )
世上没有丑女人,只有懒女人 纱姿   (150 bytes , 91reads )
不觉得啊 辛博   (171 bytes , 90reads )
哈哈哈 宫崎骏   (140 bytes , 79reads )
哈哈 这哥们太直接了+1 傻不拉拉   (0 bytes , 69reads )
哈哈 这哥们太直接了 Caller   (0 bytes , 103reads )
其实我蛮赞同门当户对 ♂龍泉☺   (160 bytes , 102reads )
所谓性格 气质啥的,是对已经认识很久的人而言的 辛博   (161 bytes , 103reads )
请看正文标题 ♂龍泉☺   (0 bytes , 89reads )
公开市场,公平交易 海蓝2014   (47 bytes , 110reads )
逆袭 breezee   (62 bytes , 100reads )
现在的社会即使给了你逆袭机会也很难维持长久关系 傻不拉拉   (150 bytes , 124reads )
没有必要把逆袭搞得改变命运一样 breezee   (147 bytes , 92reads )
逆袭改变命运的人肯定有 傻不拉拉   (194 bytes , 125reads )
颜值不高靠性格and家底 傻不拉拉   (0 bytes , 113reads )
同意 muxig1980   (0 bytes , 64reads )
同意。。。。。性格真的非常重要。。。。 有缘千里来相会   (0 bytes , 82reads )
所以,ls的意思是看综合条件,不是完全看颜?再一次,感觉到做男人难啊。 小寒   (0 bytes , 112reads )
只能说都不容易 傻不拉拉   (74 bytes , 108reads )
正解 mysun   (12 bytes , 143reads )
沙发,看脸 傻不拉拉   (0 bytes , 107reads )