Mind your own business, Men!
所在版块:他乡故知 发贴时间:2016-03-04 16:22

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
If you are jealous of other people's life and have a problem of me finding a GF, please go and pursue your own. Don't come here and mess around. If you think stirring shit is fun, please go home, not here! Guess some kindergarten 101 you still need to practise: Always be nice with strangers. lol... I would assume you had too much lunch today and had nothing else better to do. I guess your lesson is learnt now. Please don't come and show more naiveness of yourself. Deal?

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【征友成功!撒花!】借华新寻找 LLP EMLR_JOHN   (1461 bytes , 9802reads )
dotahero298   (18 bytes , 56reads )
哇,楼主威武霸气。。。 明年今日   (0 bytes , 43reads )
恭喜 崖士蛮   (10 bytes , 40reads )
硬性要求颇多 宅宅   (16 bytes , 35reads )
这样比较好。 jjzhuozhuo   (73 bytes , 47reads )
哪里会乱 宅宅   (12 bytes , 37reads )
有感觉到楼主在他这个年龄的朝气蓬勃意气风发,很好啊 门前有青石板   (75 bytes , 131reads )
Mind your own business, Men! EMLR_JOHN   (476 bytes , 72reads )
真的不是很懂楼主为啥老是发英文 sunny39624   (220 bytes , 72reads )
忍不住笑了 打酱油的马甲   (64 bytes , 35reads )
楼主说“公司的politics”,我觉得没表达错啊? 天连雪飞   (186 bytes , 43reads )
喷别人前还是自己查下字典吧 最终的最终111   (62 bytes , 47reads )
特来支持学霸楼主一下。 克服浮躁   (202 bytes , 37reads )
你们赢了! EMLR_JOHN   (30 bytes , 71reads )
楼主看开点 崖士蛮   (112 bytes , 36reads )
只有我一个人觉得楼主在找炮友么 Beckseven77   (0 bytes , 49reads )
约炮也是男女你情我愿的事情,关你啥事 血狼湖   (38 bytes , 43reads )
你又知道? Beckseven77   (50 bytes , 41reads )
Joker is coming lol... EMLR_JOHN   (159 bytes , 82reads )
小小建议 打酱油的马甲   (22 bytes , 32reads )
纠正语法,sound不是sounds 疯狂的加菲   (808 bytes , 40reads )
说的真好!赞你 我爱李延亮   (0 bytes , 27reads )
推荐看隔壁另一个没打花的男征女的帖子 小妖霖霖   (40 bytes , 36reads )
哈哈哈隔壁好欢乐 疯狂的加菲   (292 bytes , 39reads )
素昧平生 无怨无仇 EMLR_JOHN   (79 bytes , 91reads )
要求晒成绩单。。。。 zarayu   (31 bytes , 41reads )
恭喜恭喜 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 50reads )
咦?已经找到了么? 疯狂的加菲   (52 bytes , 32reads )
哈哈哈哈 Fantasylx   (41 bytes , 42reads )
憋笑! 疯狂的加菲   (10 bytes , 45reads )
mua~ Fantasylx   (11 bytes , 34reads )
谢谢 你也赢了! EMLR_JOHN   (77 bytes , 62reads )
找到的话记得回来更新 疯狂的加菲   (48 bytes , 34reads )
吻你… piaopiao6732   (10 bytes , 40reads )
哈哈 不必了 EMLR_JOHN   (26 bytes , 62reads )
呵呵 Beckseven77   (137 bytes , 34reads )
说一句公道话 九级妖风   (72 bytes , 49reads )
膜拜 inus   (38 bytes , 52reads )
1st class找男朋友也有优势啊 真是枉我四年没白读 水晶冰凌   (0 bytes , 37reads )
你得找lz才是优势,找其他人可未必呢,哈哈 小叶女贞   (0 bytes , 36reads )
哈哈哈哈 我最近刚结婚咧哈哈哈 给lz加油 水晶冰凌   (0 bytes , 29reads )
人生赢家 恭喜 恭喜 EMLR_JOHN   (0 bytes , 51reads )
When i was still young =D EMLR_JOHN   (55 bytes , 83reads )
给跪了。。。 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 31reads )
膜拜成绩单。。。。 雅妮开门   (40 bytes , 34reads )
牛! 崖士蛮   (9 bytes , 37reads )
不玩虚的 南瓜同学   (66 bytes , 102reads )
我了个去,我闲得去翻了翻成绩单。。 ffnffn   (0 bytes , 48reads )
哈哈哈 知道你FM 南瓜同学   (11 bytes , 35reads )
no no,我最骄傲的是mineral deposit这种完全不知道在干什么的 ffnffn   (8 bytes , 32reads )
不了 不了 EMLR_JOHN   (21 bytes , 48reads )
thermo fluid distillate秀起来 南瓜同学   (56 bytes , 55reads )
秀照片秀照片秀照片!!! 湿湿一大坨   (18 bytes , 36reads )
秀完成绩单秀皂片呀~ 湿湿一大坨   (5 bytes , 35reads )
为了鉴别智商 我觉得需要看下成绩单 阿蓝   (5 bytes , 52reads )
学霸 秀下成绩单来碾压下吧 我是21楼了 guqi   (0 bytes , 40reads )
哈哈 终于到了 说到做到 EMLR_JOHN   (0 bytes , 51reads )
LOL 楼主的大学同学来顶 南瓜同学   (69 bytes , 53reads )
哈哈哈 EMLR_JOHN   (23 bytes , 45reads )
赶时间~ 楼主快把自己phd成绩单秀出来~ 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 38reads )
哈哈哈 在等20个贴呢 EMLR_JOHN   (0 bytes , 42reads )
20贴已过。。。 楼主快贴~ 本座赌1000华新币。楼主GAP不会高过A[…] 功夫熊猫   (1 bytes , 38reads )
哈哈 熊猫兄 幽默了 EMLR_JOHN   (70 bytes , 58reads )
sorry CAP...太激动 手抖了 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 31reads )
盖楼,坐等膜拜学霸成绩单 旺旺仙贝有点甜   (0 bytes , 35reads )
part-time phd 挺累吧 missliz   (10 bytes , 39reads )
工作 上课 还好research topic 和公司做的project很接近 幸福 EMLR_JOHN   (0 bytes , 33reads )
楼主是没说自己年龄吗? 小妖霖霖   (18 bytes , 43reads )
对 90+ 哈哈 EMLR_JOHN   (0 bytes , 48reads )
我是专程来给BMI点赞! ggyt   (27 bytes , 40reads )
不错!我也想去学跳伞!单人独自AFF luodewei   (74 bytes , 48reads )
lz英语不错 Jiten_SGP   (0 bytes , 73reads )
谢谢 EMLR_JOHN   (42 bytes , 37reads )
找对象都要求first class了。。。哭 湿湿一大坨   (16 bytes , 40reads )
机智! EMLR_JOHN   (0 bytes , 39reads )
高富帅啊~ 青空   (48 bytes , 39reads )
高富帅必须得配白富美,祝福 Cindy1987   (0 bytes , 35reads )
Thanks! EMLR_JOHN   (0 bytes , 90reads )
Thanks! EMLR_JOHN   (0 bytes , 58reads )
?的位置放错了 EMLR_JOHN   (120 bytes , 45reads )
哈哈 x4   (14 bytes , 36reads )