The average Singaporean female stands at 160cm
所在版块:他乡故知 发贴时间:2015-09-13 23:52

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Singaporeans are standing tall with the highest average height in the region, according to a new infographic by ASEAN DNA. 

The average Singaporean male measures 171cm in height, 7cm taller than his regional peers. 

Meanwhile the average Singaporean female stands at 160cm, compared with the median height for females in the region of 153cm. 

In neighbouring Malaysia, the average male is 165cm tall, while the average female stands at 153cm. 

Indonesians are smaller in stature: the average male is 158cm tall, while the average female measures 147cm in height.

It may not seem like a big deal, but height has long been linked to society’s well-being, and serves as an indicator of access to healthcare and a country’s per capita income.





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