所在版块:他乡故知 发贴时间:2014-10-13 09:18

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 



Thank you for participating!

Your score on this test was 5 out of 36.

The average result for adult population is 26 out of 36.

Note that your screen, ambient light, and other factors might have impacted your result. Also, because all the images used in this study were of Caucasians (i.e., white people), your exposure to Caucasian faces might also have affected your score.

Note that your screen, ambient light, and other factors might have impacted your result. Also, because all the images used in this study were of Caucasians (i.e., white people), your exposure to Caucasian faces might also have affected your score.


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
87双子女征男女友 conse   (501 bytes , 3674reads )
也来跟风贴测试结果,文化是0 kevin_p   (51 bytes , 183reads )
玩玩测试 hasegawa   (141 bytes , 213reads )
我比你还厉害啊 conse   (64 bytes , 134reads )
测个试试 mororoqiu   (108 bytes , 148reads )
好像很温和…… conse   (6 bytes , 229reads )
我只是测着玩的 mororoqiu   (26 bytes , 170reads )
楼主又回来……咯 conse   (208 bytes , 76reads )
小一两岁没关系哒 Breakdawn   (31 bytes , 202reads )
谢谢…… conse   (6 bytes , 186reads )
楼主怎么相信风向星座吗 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 283reads )
其实我觉得自己喜欢水瓶一点……不过星座网站都说天平好一点儿 conse   (3 bytes , 225reads )
其它的接触了一下,不是特别喜欢…… conse   (37 bytes , 204reads )
楼主回来啦 conse   (1707 bytes , 220reads )
楼主感觉萌萌哒阿 为什么没有朋友 暗霓   (4 bytes , 101reads )
>w<么么哒!~~~ conse   (0 bytes , 61reads )
我很喜欢楼主这个帖子 肉山小魔王   (60 bytes , 182reads )
偶尔脑残有益身心健康嘛 conse   (0 bytes , 219reads )
不知道为什么看到这个回复 脑子里都是跳广场舞的大妈 肉山小魔王   (0 bytes , 204reads )
你够了啦 conse   (131 bytes , 178reads )
40岁秃头离异有小孩子 肉山小魔王   (17 bytes , 201reads )
哈哈哈 肉山小魔王   (6 bytes , 159reads )
我就是个右派哇 leciel   (47 bytes , 181reads )
很好奇楼主感情史 zhengxin   (16 bytes , 271reads )
贴个结果 信长   (64 bytes , 122reads )
楼主你的政治坐标也太。。。 信长   (16 bytes , 160reads )
完成测试,不懂这算好还是不好。 DengWei   (75 bytes , 207reads )
楼上的麦吉克兄,咱俩的测试结果颇有类似之处啊。 NewOriental   (96 bytes , 94reads )
我去,这个政治测试~~~ SwMagic   (81 bytes , 203reads )
弱小的楼主惊呆了 conse   (837 bytes , 128reads )
做了下测试,好好玩 莫小米   (98 bytes , 186reads )
顶双子座! Livecn   (0 bytes , 221reads )
这里是双子座的真爱楼,大家天天来顶! conse   (181 bytes , 155reads )
看了你的回复我怀疑你是聊天机器人了……+1 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 72reads )
可恶! conse   (0 bytes , 188reads )
看了你的回复我怀疑你是聊天机器人了…… Livecn   (0 bytes , 154reads )
conse   (30 bytes , 185reads )
看了第一题就quit了 于默然   (0 bytes , 236reads )
。。。右翼无政府分子来了 肉山小魔王   (53 bytes , 210reads )
三观不一样,怎么处对象? Sponge   (0 bytes , 146reads )
我自己的那个区间,应该没有女生了。。。性取向又是女 肉山小魔王   (12 bytes , 234reads )
这些坐标都是怎么定义的啊? 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 205reads )
题目经北大未名 BBS 网友集体讨论创作 conse   (58 bytes , 174reads )
。。 肉山小魔王   (18 bytes , 71reads )
, wiggleY   (91 bytes , 87reads )
哇,真厉害 conse   (86 bytes , 179reads )
wiggleY   (115 bytes , 57reads )
哈佛性别偏向测试 conse   (5493 bytes , 70reads )
wiggleY   (16 bytes , 66reads )
. 肉山小魔王   (45 bytes , 89reads )
me confused. Sponge   (6 bytes , 82reads )
长得像春哥么? 阿西巴滥赣   (7 bytes , 231reads )
真的有点像…… conse   (10 bytes , 74reads )
楼主目测喜欢弯仔。。。 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 223reads )
楼主没有特别喜欢弯仔啦 conse   (16 bytes , 178reads )
没看懂 小寒   (2 bytes , 244reads )
我被你吓坏了 自信灬微笑   (22 bytes , 79reads )
赌10个华新币楼主会收到yp信息~ 师太   (9 bytes , 202reads )
yp信息是什么 conse   (36 bytes , 205reads )
沙发 师太   (0 bytes , 231reads )
哇!! meilan1988   (26 bytes , 203reads )