Every girl was taught a lot of things when growing up, if a guy punches you.... he likes you.
Never try to cut your bangs, and someday you'll meet a wonderful guy, and earn your own happy ending.
Every movie we watched, every story we heard, implored us to wait for
The third distorted things, the unexpected declaration of love, the exception of rules
But sometimes, we so forcus on finding out our happy ending
we dont learn how to read signs, how to know that, who want to us, who doesn't ,
who wants to stay, and who wants to leave.
Maybe this happy ending doesn't include a wonderful guy, maybe just you, on your own, picking up the pieces, and starting over,completing yourself and look forward to better future,maybe the happy ending is just moving on.
Or maybe the happy ending is this, knowing that,
through all the unchecked phone calls and broken heart,
through all the blundered and misunderstood signs, through all the pains and discomfitures,
you never, ever gave up the hope