所在版块:他乡故知 发贴时间:2009-06-22 23:13

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can no more contentious proposition there would be other than this, the conceptual lacuna nevertheless renders imperfectness is how the gravamen is perceived, put it in another way, what is 优秀ness.

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有感而发 回国sale   (76 bytes , 1167reads )
阿公柏拉图恋爱方式很好玩滴 炒年糕   (0 bytes , 410reads )
我就是苏格拉底 Laughing哥   (0 bytes , 237reads )
非也非也。。。。。。。。 济癫   (133 bytes , 321reads )
看你如何定义优秀了 wink   (32 bytes , 269reads )
hehe,我觉得是这样的逻辑,不知道对不对。 我是一颗菠萝   (120 bytes , 325reads )
没钱没娘们的时候 无聊至极   (156 bytes , 321reads )
agree, but Dinosaur   (84 bytes , 376reads )
GOOD materialist   (199 bytes , 370reads )