所在版块:他乡故知 发贴时间:2005-11-13 15:28  评分:

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我今年22了。小时候脾气倔,好强。从小学到junior college,班里都有喜欢我的男生。一直没觉得很孤单。后来跟了一个人,03年2月分手的。再后来就一直没缓过来。 现在人闷闷的,不怎么说话。心里想的事情太多。我现在在美国读书,但我想找一个在新加坡的男朋友,因为我毕业之后会回到新加坡,工作并安家。我曾经很幽默,我想等我好起来我还是会很幽默的。我觉得自己挺女人的,虽然不爱穿裙子,很喜欢spaghetti straps, jeans, V-neck and turtle-neck sweater. 我喜欢看电影,喜欢自己洗自己照的黑白照片,我喜欢照着食谱做饭(会做curry chicken),喜欢狗和hamsters,喜欢旅游。已经去了10个国家了,可是最近的旅游总让我觉得少了那个和我看世界的人,伤感。来了美国之后,学会了用两只手把5个球保持在空中,可还是高兴不起来。我睡觉时抱着一个猩猩的毛绒玩具,有时寂寞伤心,会不停的对它讲话。我学工程系,成绩一直很好。哭成水的那一年还拿了个dean's list. Some more practical info. I don't have a fair complexion. I prefer writing in English much more than Chinese. Beijing is home. Rather short, 160cm, 47kg. I have dandruff, and have always been using head & shoulders. My favorite colors are pink and gray. I know 4 langauges, including java. Against public display of physical intimacy. For pre-marital sex. Neutral towards prostitution. I don't know what else to write. I am not posting a photo here, because too many people know me. I think given what I have already written, some of you out there would have already guessed who I am.

Hoping for a man who...
is not too skinny nor homely. 能有170最好。不戴眼镜最好。心细,体贴。开车小心,礼让。爱写信。我这么远,这两年也只有写信了。I can be in Singapore during summer though, or rather I will have to.不抽烟,可以喝酒。不介意会吃亏,对别人好。有头脑,有感情。没有挣大钱的目标。喜欢小孩。思想不要太传统。会提醒我带雨伞,偶尔会看着我刷牙。就这些了吧。


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