所在版块:摄影旅游 发贴时间:2009-12-26 12:47

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Breakaway,I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly,I'll do what it takes till' I touch the sky.
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有没有比较适合女生用的单反啊…… alive   (215 bytes , 1638reads )
买好了,回来汇报一下 alive   (318 bytes , 503reads )
ohh 50mm/f1.8... have fun hehe Kula   (0 bytes , 326reads )
嘻嘻,是呀,圣诞夜的时候拍了很多人像 alive   (309 bytes , 347reads )
弱弱地举手找人陪我去买500D……圣诞当天或者之前…… alive   (226 bytes , 362reads )
照相机 hello2000   (71 bytes , 269reads )
泪……木有人去啊……难道是过节大家都很忙~~~ alive   (43 bytes , 279reads )
I'll go with you? XD damn boring at Christmas Nite Kula   (0 bytes , 245reads )
如果还没找到人,明天晚上大概6:00样子可以陪你去. 格布   (79 bytes , 278reads )
hp见楼上…… alive   (125 bytes , 260reads )
国内价格才4799 京东商城 格布   (121 bytes , 329reads )
女孩子买18-55的镜头就可以了, 那个200的头太重了,不适合 manni7298   (0 bytes , 292reads )
重是相对于其它Kit Lens的唯一缺点,而且比起18-200的优点,600g根本不算缺点, 鱼片粥   (0 bytes , 277reads )
sony a230/330 貌似很适合女生^^ nazi   (0 bytes , 452reads )
打了一圈电话问了价格…… alive   (166 bytes , 328reads )
找个人带着吧,别被忽悠买什么滤镜等等就可以了 Moses   (0 bytes , 221reads )
嗯嗯,谢谢。那啥,这个版可以征人陪我去买相机么…… alive   (0 bytes , 240reads )
我买了Canon G11,不知道是否真得会单反用心玩下去,用这个试水。 Karoten08   (0 bytes , 349reads )
决定了买500D,请问在哪里买会比较便宜捏? alive   (114 bytes , 374reads )
如果你回国买,还不如这里买水货新机 鱼片粥   (4185 bytes , 441reads )
里面是clubsnap网友最近的Canon产品价格just FYI 鱼片粥   (54 bytes , 626reads )
啊……太感动了~~~非常感谢!!! alive   (97 bytes , 314reads )
发email让cathay quote一下价格,打出来邮件去买,买套机吧,先上手玩玩 QQmsn   (0 bytes , 254reads )
请教,套机的话,要选哪一套会比较好呢?迷茫…… alive   (538 bytes , 288reads )
要是我就会选18-200mm头的套机 若水三千   (320 bytes , 291reads )
entry level almost same across singapore, just dont buy in sim lim square Kula   (32 bytes , 348reads )
不能以偏概全~森林的AlanPhoto和Oriental Photo都还不错 鱼片粥   (0 bytes , 316reads )
今天给OP打了两次电话,结果不一样的人接,价格就差了20……汗…… alive   (0 bytes , 231reads )
谢谢回复~~~不过不在森林买在哪里买呢?我就知道这一个地方…… alive   (0 bytes , 222reads )
女友一号,虽然不是单反,但是成像应该还行 Spring   (16 bytes , 389reads )
铜牌女朋友1号 奈奈将   (68 bytes , 293reads )
Please...Canon is macketing company,Nikon is engeering Company Kula   (0 bytes , 262reads )
None of them are engineering companies, that is for sure. focus   (0 bytes , 283reads )
nikon 的千位数相机也不错吧... 3000, 5000什么的. 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 247reads )