Bangkok---A city and more
所在版块:摄影旅游 发贴时间:2006-12-03 14:15  评分:

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Before coming to the city of angel, Bangkok to me was only a place for shopping and eating, and probably some more temples and lady boys. But after about 3 days in this much-larger-than-I-expected metropolitan, I realized it is not only a city but much more.

Dirty and dis-organized it might seem to be in certain ways, this place always resembles HongKong to me in many aspects, with a city-size market, segregation of the old and new town, and more importantly, the rich culture and endless vibrancy emitted from every corner of the city.

I’m not sure if it was because of my soaking in the backwardness of Cambodia in the past 5 days, the noise and pollution of big city, the heavy human and vehicle traffic along the streets actually turned me very high. Maybe I normally tend to prefer the quietness in a close-to-nature surrounding, I had never consider myself as a city person. But when I walk down the streets filled up with all kinds of stalls: food, clothes, artifacts, boutiques; hearing the roaring of the engines of different forms of vehicles: cars, buses, trains, motobikes and tuktuks, I feel all my senses are fully utilized and it just seems that there is never a boring moment.

Bangkok is not just a place for the cheap stuff. I usually associate such places with low class, and that was also why I didn’t had much good impression about this place before I came. But what I’ve seen for the past 2 days has entirely proved me wrong.

A royal city it is—numerous grand and golden shiny sites bring up the elegance.

A busy metropolitan it is, the white collared office people rushing into MRTs, skytrains and boats light up the city lights and live up the city lives.

A well-blended mix it is, the old and modern, the oriental and western, the quiet and noisy, the busy and relax, even the most contrastable dualism—men and women…you can find a good mix of everything here.

Maybe it was the food, maybe it was the people, or the music in the streets. This place urges me to say a lot of things about this city. Probably it’s better to adopt a more systematic way to elaborate why I fell so much for this city of angel.




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Bangkok---A city and more ^自由鸟^   (2153 bytes , 1386reads )
lz很喜欢一个人旅游嘛~:) lipapa   (0 bytes , 284reads )
photos ^自由鸟^   (1766 bytes , 396reads )
嘻嘻,欢迎回来 zizi   (0 bytes , 423reads )
sf, not bad~~ 黛玉   (0 bytes , 296reads )
no pictures? but good writing, u r chinese? bbcat   (0 bytes , 338reads )
pictures added :) ^自由鸟^   (71 bytes , 466reads )
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