所在版块:摄影旅游 发贴时间:2006-03-14 11:39

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Lonely planet Western Europe $5 (bought at 50 in 2005); Lonely planet Scandinavian Europe $5 (bought at 40 in 2005, almost new); Lonely planet Middle east $5 (Bought at 48 in 2005); Lonely planet Spain, London, Madrid at $3 each;。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 等等等等,打字速度太慢,欢迎有空来看看,同时买别的东西(看我在自由集市的帖子),先来先得,有卖有送。 Only tonight after 9PM. (march 14) Address: 01-09 Bayville Condo. 42 South Buona vista road, 118166.(MAP ATTACHED) home phone 62744901 only could be answered after 9pm today


人生来就是来折腾的,不折腾怎能知道水有多深,山有多高 :)
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
离新贱卖旅游书,只有今晚after9pm.. 阿黛   (642 bytes , 618reads )
I am interested in Spain and Madrid. 大象   (0 bytes , 246reads )
I also have LP Spain... simon   (0 bytes , 236reads )
western europe, middle east, scandiavian countries (all newest edition) 阿黛   (0 bytes , 296reads )
想要western europe和scandiavian countries~ lipapa   (37 bytes , 254reads )