爱看足球的人应该会知道瓦伦西亚这个城市。在马德里呆两晚我就会去瓦伦西亚开会。有36小时走马看花的看看马德里。当时的计划是会后还会回来到时在专心看看,但回来时已经在西班牙呆了3周。归心似箭。只把马德里的Mango and Zara,Bernabeu Stadium, Royal Palice (The Palacio Real)逛了逛就逃了。
1.Heat all but two tablespoons of the oil in a deep non-stick 23 - 25 cm / 9 - 10 in frying pan
2.Add the potatoes and onions and cook over a medium heat for about 15 minutes until tender, but not brown - let the potatoes stew in the oil rather than deep fry. Drain the potatoes in a metal colander, then season with salt
3.Beat the eggs lightly in a large bowl, then mix in the potatoes, onions, parsley, and salt and pepper, stirring with a fork
4.Add the two tablespoons of oil to the frying pan and, when hot, spoon in the egg mix and cook for about 10 minutes until just setting. Don't overcook as the eggs should be a little runny inside
5.Cover the frying pan with a large plate, holding it down firmly with the flat of your hand, then carefully turn the pan upside down so the omelet turns out on to the plate
6.Slide the inverted omelet back into the pan and cook for 5 minutes. Serve hot or at room temperature with a green salad.
Plaza de Sol随着天安下来,也有了生气。晚上9,10点天还没黑,广场上到处是人,像是要开party. 大家象是多站在哪儿等人。很少看到亚洲人,我走在街上很与众不同,。很经常有人对你笑,打招呼。我先学会的一个词就是chino,中国。回到hostel, 看电视,没有英文台,只好看动画片,还能看得懂。第二天早上,6点多天就亮了,我不到8点就出门去逛了。看路上的啤酒瓶就可以猜想昨晚的狂欢了。去麦当劳吃早餐,自己一个人实在不敢进那些暗暗地小酒吧吃。遇上两个加拿大帅哥搭话,聊了一小会儿。决定还是自己一个人走比较安全,因为我从小对身材高大的男生有点恐惧心理。而且他们是要去西班牙狂欢小岛Ibiza的。。。。之后又去逛,因为头脑不清醒,记不太清了。。