Vesak Day Rapid Chess Tournament 2013 (24 May 2013, Friday)
Venue - To be held at SCF
Grand Prix Standard & Rapid: 4th Leg
Rules, Regulations and Registration
1. Open Category (FIDE Rated or Unrated Players)
2. Challengers Category (FIDE Unrated Players Only)
(Latest FIDE Rating List as of 1st May 2013)
Date & Time: Friday 24 May 2013 from 9 am to 6 pm. Participants are to report by 8.45 am.
Entry Fee: Entry fee shall be $35.00 and make payable by crossed cheque, to Singapore Chess Federation
Closing Date: Thursday 16 May 2013 by 6 pm, or 1st 200 entries whichever come first. Late entries and entries without payment will not be accepted. Entry Fees are non-refundable.