Chance to Play Friendly Games with Vietnam XQ Master
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2010-10-31 19:39  评分:

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Chance to Play Friendly Games with Vietnam XQ Master

(Bilingual XQ friends, please help to translate into chinese text so more can understand, I am not able to type chinese with the computer in Viet nam. Thank you.)

I met my vietnamese friend on Saturday. he will be in Singapore in early November. I would like to arrange some xiangqi matches to help him learn from Singapore xiangqi friends. Friends from singapore also can get some experience without the need to travel overseas.

Details of Player
Player name : Uong Duong Bac
Playing Experience :
---current Viet Nam National Master (Vietnam NMA)
---2010 Viet Nam Individual National Games (respectable 5th position)
---at least equivalent to Singapore strong Grade 2 player level
---2010 第4届“芳庄旅游杯” (8th position) (wins Singapore Liang Wenjie/Hong Kong Zhao Ruquan;draws China Sun Yongzhen)

Proposed Match Details
First Move: To Be Determined
Time control : Fixed Time 60 mins each player
---05 Nov 2010 (Fri) : to be determined
---06 Nov 2010 (Sat) : 3 matches, starting at 2.30pm, break 15 mins between games, 1 local player 1 game
---07 Nov 2010 (Sun) : 3 matches, starting at 2.30pm, break 15 mins between games, 1 local player 1 game

Further details upon my return to Singapore on Thursday.


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Chance to Play Friendly Games with Vietnam XQ Master SG-Reporter   (1282 bytes , 883reads )
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07 Nov 2010 (星期天) SG-Reporter   (34 bytes , 221reads )
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06 Nov 2010 (星期六) SG-Reporter   (20 bytes , 213reads )
有兴趣和海外棋友(Uong Duong Bac 汪洋北)交流的棋友可以 SG-Reporter   (31 bytes , 243reads )
星期天还有下吗?如果找不到人我愿意下。 火影   (22 bytes , 382reads )
頂!加油! 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 206reads )
不好意思,应该说我愿意向越南大师学习。 火影   (0 bytes , 221reads )
除非象总或国手有要求,优先考虑你。。。 SG-Reporter   (68 bytes , 225reads )
ok. 火影   (0 bytes , 229reads )
火影也是国手吧?哈哈。 几度   (0 bytes , 200reads )
05 Nov 2010 (星期五) SG-Reporter   (76 bytes , 199reads )
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[Request Help 03] Sponsor who want to see their favourite player SG-Reporter   (74 bytes , 254reads )
[Request Help 02] Help in informing less active Singapore XQ friends on event SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 252reads )
Also please check if SIXGA is open on Friday Public Holiday & opening hours. SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 264reads )
[Request Help 01] check with SIXGA for permission to use its premises SG-Reporter   (0 bytes , 215reads )